Control Fate Itself

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<><>Ash's POV<><>

At that moment, I had looked over to see what Shadow Primia had done. The pillar of unending darkness had ascended quickly, shattering in the sky and spreading all over. Soon, everything was shadowed.

And then, my vision went black.

But that's all I remember. Not... not how I got all the way back to the Star Peak.

The floor is intact, as if nothing before had happened. The tower has no signs of erosion or destruction. Is this Darkrai's illusion? Or are we back in the past?

I shake my head. No. If it was an illusion, I wouldn't have that vague feeling of reality. If we were in the past, the sky still wouldn't be... Pitch. Black.

I sit up, glancing all around for Serena or the legendaries. Thankfully, I find her before the latter. "Serena! You're okay, right? What happened?"

I blurt out all that in a couple seconds. Dazed, and battered up, she replies, "yeah, I'm fine, more or less. I had continuously attacked Primia, over and over again, until it charged up that move, and released the beam..."

"And now, we're here," I finish, as she nods. She jumps to her feet, sharply surveying the area for immediate threats.

"I have no clue as to how this place is still intact," I admit. "I thought it collapsed, so how-?"

Ah, Dark Primia had reconstructed it.

I freeze, startled. It had realized this was the only place fitting of a true fight to the end. Wouldn't you agree?

I grit my teeth. Primia has all this power now...

Besides. It's no challenge when it is simply two seperate one versus one battles. We represent two sides of a war. Humanity, or darkness.

Darkrai continues. Well, I guess the victors are already decided. Everything we do is dictated by fate. And, unfortunately for you, fate has chosen us.

I growl, "yeah, right. Even if 'fate' did choose you, you wouldn't know." The Pokémon cackles. Oh, but I do. Let's just say my words from before still stand. We are all-powerful. There is no feat Shadow Primia cannot achieve. How can it not read destiny?

My eyebrows furrow. "Fine. If your words are actually true, then it still doesn't matter. We will change fate. We will change our destinies. It isn't something that can be rewritten by one other than their own."

How... The Pokémon readies an attack.


Darkrai unleashes several attacks at once. Multiple Dark Pulses, Hyper Beams, and Ominous Winds. But how is that even possible?!

"Serena!" I yell. She nods in understanding and, in her Sylveon form, begins repelling the attacks with Disarming Voice. Any attacks that aren't hit, I block with my aura.

It takes time, but after a while, the attacks cease. We only got hit about once each, yet it still formed painful wounds.

"Where'd you get all that power from, huh?!" I snarl. Then, I notice the sphere floating next to Primia's tail radiating darkness, and Darkrai glowing a purple-ish hue.

"Primia is not attacking because it's empowering Darkrai," realizes Serena. "It would be impossible for it to pull all of that off on its own, even more so if it continues to stand afterwards."

"That means Primia's own defenses are down," I mutter. "If we can somehow disable it, we can take on Darkrai without any more worries."

"Sounds like a plan!" Serena determinedly says, taking off shortly after.

Looks like I'll be the one distracting Darkrai. I form rising platforms for Serena to jump on to get to Shadow Primia without much interference.

"Go!" I shout, then returning my attention to the task at hand.

How foolish! I won't let you! Darkrai casts a nightmare over her, in which the platforms before her shatter into pieces.

Again, I call out but am unable to move. Yet to my surprise, Serena...

She ignores it. She jumps on the platforms, which should be invisible to her. In her eyes, she would be jumping on air.

"It's all just a NIGHTMARE!" Her loud voice cracks the vision, and it explodes, causing reality to return. "Amazing," I breathe. Then, I shout, "nice job!"

Aiming with my hands, I focus on Darkrai's arms, which seem to be crucial to using moves. I fire a thin bolt of aura at them, but he suddenly counterattacks with a Dark Pulse.

The substances collide, and an explosion occurs. Ah, that's probably Shadow Primia enhancing its reaction time and ability.

Recovering fast, Darkrai uses Ominous Wind in Serena's direction to knock her off her balance. She quickly transforms into Leafeon and uses Vine Whip to secure herself to the aura platform, and continues on when the onslaught ends.

"How about we have a fencing competition?!" I yell, dashing forward, swords in hands. Darkrai blocks with Night Slash, and it's obvious it's all because of Primia lending its strength.

I perform two swipes from the right and left sides, followed by a thrust and a downwards slash, all in quick succession. Unfortunately, the Pokémon keeps up. Quite well, actually.

"What is it?" I taunt. "Can't win without help from a legendary?" No reply, just more evading and attacking.

<><>Serena's POV<><>

I see them. Primia's fixated eyes follow my every movement.

I leap faster and faster, traveling on the aura squares Ash kindly provided for me. Finally, I'm high above my opponent, and soar straight up so my body overlaps with the Moonblast I had used on the way up.


Its eyes squint for just a second, but that second is all I need. I flip, twist and turn, getting into the right position.

In my Espeon form, I use Psychic on myself to slow my fall just a little as I land on Primia's wide back. I kind of remember the battle with Wolvarak when doing this.

That also reminds me... that no being is without a flaw.

So what's yours, Primia-?! That's all I need to know to beat you.

As Primia roars in protest, I change into my Umbreon form. Maybe I can use the darkness to my advantage. Maybe it will strengthen me.

No harm in trying, right?

However, before I can use Feint Attack, its tail suddenly stops glowing. It stopped sharing power with Darkrai, meaning... meaning it can now attack.

Immediately, it uses Poison Powder, Thunder Wave, and Will-o-Wisp on...

"ASH!" I scream.

The boy shouts in pain and falls to the ground, immobilized. The message is clear-

Leave, and save him. Stay, and he dies.

I squeeze my fists shut, clenching my teeth tight.

I yell with anger and frustration, knowing by doing this, I miss my free chance to attack. I bound off of Shadow Primia, striding long distances to get to Ash.

I kneel by his side while he groans in pain and anguish. I remember what had happened on that particular day on one of the Floors.

I had healed Ash without any move.

I close my eyes, gently laying my hands on his shoulders.


Wow, I really worked OVERTIME to finish this chapter in a couple hours. Yes, some chapters do take hours at a time, and no, that doesn't mean I am slow.

Hope you enjoyed! :)


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