An Early Farewell...

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A/N: Please read the closing note at the end. There's a lot I need to talk about. Thanks!

<><>Absol's POV<><>

At least, I would jump. But something grabs onto my leg, and I turn, thrashing about. The culprit? None other than Darkrai.

You've fought well... but it seems to me that you have forgotten my presence.

Urgh... I thought we had damaged him enough to slip away, but it seems that I'm mistaken. "What is your purpose?" I attempt to break through.

Ha... Stalling for time? At this point, Ash and Serena have turned, and they yell in surprise and worry. You are well aware of this. I would like to control this world.

"Sounds like the most common type of villain in a story," I snarl. "And Primia's the beginning. And I'm guessing it will end With Wolvarak."

Correct. However, as you must've realized by now, Wolvarak- surprisingly- did not appear when Primia did.

Huh. Now that I think deep into it, Darkrai's right. It never did appear. That's in our favor.

"You're holding me in place," I say, "but the others are free. You underestimate them." I say this as the realization hits me.

After all, the boy is without his Pokémon, and the girl has no memories. You are the only- if not small- threat to my plan.

"Good for us." I maliciously grin. I can tell Darkrai is mildly startled by this. "You'll regret that, but what am I saying? I'm supposed to be convincing you to let them go..."

"Absol!" Ash urgently yells. "We're not leaving without you! Serena!" But she sadly looks down. "My powers... they're drained. I'll have to wait a while... before using them again."

I watch the scene pass. The portal is wide open, inviting us to enter, yet the two hold back. They're waiting for me, even when I'm in Darkrai's grasp.

Though I wish not to give up so soon, the back of my mind tells me that I can't escape. Besides, there's also something else...

"Darkrai," I boldly start, "tell me. How did you travel to the past?" The menacing smile grew even more evil. Shadow Primia. It was weak-willed before, but now, with my interference, it will become stronger, in the darkness.

I sigh, "so this means, after a bit of waiting, you are free to return to the past." The Pokémon nods, triumphant. I cannot be stopped! Just give up.

Shadows cover my eyes. "Like hell I will."

I suddenly retaliate, biting down on the arm restraining me.

<><>Serena's POV<><>

All I can do... All I can do is watch. My strength is depleted, and I cannot help. Yet after the battle, Absol... he's still fighting.

Wait... is he?

"Ash! And Serena!" The Pokémon calls out. "The rift will close soon. Enter, and don't look back." I clench my fist.

"But wait-!" Ash argued. "You can't... you can't possibly be thinking to stay?!" I grit my teeth at this, truly knowing that what he said is Absol's full intention.

Go ahead! See if I care. You can't stop me-


The booming voice interrupts Darkrai. Could that be... Shadow Primia?! But I thought it was still recovering from being summoned!

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