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<><>Ash's POV<><>

It really is true, huh? Serena,  Darkrai, all from the future, will... disappear.

I can see it in Darkrai's eyes, while realizing one of its sole reasons for fighting is because of its fear. Fear for vanishing, fear for what Darkrai believes is death.

On the other hand, Serena fights for the greater good, not just for her own self. Having no fear of disappearance, the girl knows for a fact vanquishing does not mean her death.

Dark against light. It's always been that way, no denying it.

Don't think about it, I tell myself, gripping the hilts of my swords tightly. Don't think about the consequences.

"I go for Shadow Primia." One of the blades evaporate into thin air, the remnants of the aura strengthening the still existent weapon. "I'll cut off Darkrai's source of power, so I trust you to survive until then."

Without another word, my body acts on its own, an instinct that I'm unable to suppress. Dust billows from the place I once stood as I soar towards the ancient Pokémon.

Glancing from the corners of my eyes I spot Serena in her Sylveon form, summoning moves as quick as Darkrai destroys them.

We've really become strong, huh?

My attention focuses on the task at hand, as I will need it; Serena herself had once failed at defeating Primia. But of course, my thoughts begin to stray.

That makes me wonder... is Shadow Primia the real enemy? Which, of course, makes me feel like slapping myself in stupidity.

Primia is the beginning. The contrasting version of itself is Wolvarak, the end. In all the action, we had forgotten the simplest of things.

We defeated Wolvarak. Meaning Primia, too, should've disappeared, since the balance was broken.

Which brings up the question... why is it still here?!

Suddenly, a blur of shadows appear before me, and I screech to a halt. The thoughts had distracted me for too long, and now, Darkrai's the new obstacle.

"Not so fast!" I hear. What seems to be the only light in the shadows of evil is emanating from the Moonblast, Serena's move which is high in the sky.

Dancing towards its target the attack fully shines of the Dark-type unrelentingly, not sparing the legendary for a second, overpowering the dark.

Albeit Darkrai fights against the Fairy force it deems no match for it and Serena's own power, stumbling back a few feet.

Nodding my thanks with a quick, small smile, I proceed on my way towards Primia. "What's your secret, huh?" Muttering, I swiftly analyze Shadow Primia, attempting to detect any physical problems.

My feet skid to a halt several yards away from the Pokémon; without taking much time to aim at all, I extend my arms and concentrate, forming a sphere of aura within my reach.

It only takes a second of hesitation for me to release the weapon and its path curves slightly as it zooms towards Primia.

I don't need to aim that well, as Shadow Primia is a fairly large target, and I honestly don't think I'll miss at this range. Oh, and neither do I need to control the power.

This Pokémon's not one to go down easily, and keeping this in mind, any problem to do with 'control' is negated.

A mini explosion occurs where the aura comes in contact with Primia, dust scattering in the air, smoke billowing. Instantly I launch myself, sword readied, towards my enemy, not waiting to see the outcome of my previous attack.

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