Light Against the Shadows

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<><>Serena's POV<><>

The fight I'm involved in prevents me from checking on Ash's side of the battle. Not that I'm worried, though. He'll pull through.

And it's been that way, since the beginning. Never give up until it's over.

My Ice Beam deals normal amounts of damage to Shadow Primia. Tch. Just as I thought- it has no weaknesses and can use a variety of moves, exactly like Wolvarak.

Only, the blows this legendary delivers are more painful and hard than its opposite.

"Ice Beam!" I shout once more, freezing a portion of the serpentine Primia's body to the ground. I step back, raising my arms to torso level.

"Blizzard!" I yell, urging the move to take effect. The swirling vortex of hail and ice overcome Shadow Primia, surrounding it immediately.

"That should hold it off for a second," I mutter. I grab the Water Evolution Shard, toss it, and snatch it with my right hand.

I've noticibly gotten quicker with my transformations, thankfully, right when my opponent bursts out of the Blizzard, I'm ready with my next Form.

"Hydro Pump!" Gallons of raging water shoots from my hands, effectively drenching Primia. With pace, I change into Jolteon, commanding,

"Electro Ball!"

The sphere of pure, crackling electricity zooms towards the target, electrocuting the water, thus electrocuting and harming Shadow Primia more.

"Volt Tackle!" Charging with incredible speed, I dash, striding towards Primia with my shoulder ready to deal the impact. When it does, I bounce back at a safe distance.

Or so I thought.

I had become a bit vain and cocky with my chained attacks. Because of Primia's lack of retaliating, I had grown too confident of myself. It lashes out with a Stone Edge, shaking the very ground itself.

The earth beneath me gives way, and a pillar of stone erupts. I scream as I'm knocked several paces backwards, my body skidding to a stop.

Next comes the Vine Whip, closely followed by a Dragon Dance. The vines wrap tightly around my wrists and ankles, and then, Shadow Primia boosts its Attack and Speed.

I... I need to reach it... The Flame Shard...

It's no use- the plants trapping me are unbreakable. All I can do, as of now, is watch as the darkened legendary becomes stronger and more powerful by the second.

No. I'm in control.

Suddenly, without putting much thought into my words, I yell with all my might, "obey my command, spirit of flames! Flareon!"

The small pouch holding the Shards shakes, and out pops the little red one. It speeds towards my outstretched right hand, landing immediately on the marks.

It... It came to me.

The bright light consumes my sight, and I have transformed into my Flareon outfit. I feel the sudden desire to fight, and to keep fighting. There's no way I'll lose.


The green bonds restraining my limbs disintegrate from the intense heat. Fire is all that I see. It surrounds my vision- no, it surrounds my whole body.

As I'm released, I check Primia's condition. The fire has spread from the vines to its body, while Shadow Primia growls, flicking its tail in annoyance.

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