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Clara's POV

The next day passed, and it was exams. Finn hadn't spoken to me since, what was up with him?!

The first exam was Drama writing exam.

"Please take your seats, let me remind you of the rules, NO COMMUNICATING, NO CHEATING, NO BOOKS OR NOTES ALLOWED, NO EXTRA TIME, DESKS SEPARATED, 3, 2, 1, begin" the examiner announced.

The exam was pretty hard, and was getting harder as I turned each page. After an hour and a half, it was finally over, I could go back home and revise.

Justin's POV

I haven't told anyone this yet, but I'm in love with Clara. Yes I knew she liked Finn, but I couldn't help it!

Seconds after dreaming about her, I got a call from Eve,

"Hey bieber! What's up?"

"Nothing much, you?"

"I had a really boring day! Anyway, Clara told me to ask you if you guys could meet at Nandos tonight? She's in love with you, I can tell in her eyes!"

"What?! Really?! I thought she liked Finn?!"

"Well he got really annoyed about the prank you and Clara made on him so doesn't like Clara anymore, so is that a yes?"

"Of course!"

Oh my gosh, Clara had asked me out.

Eve's POV

Now all I had to do was steal Finns phone and text Clara. Which was super easy has he always leaves his phone around.

I texted Clara "Hey, just wondering if you wanna go to Nandos tonight"

Clara's POV

I got a text from Finn, YAY he was asking me to Nandos! So he wasn't angry at me! Phew!

I hobbled my way to Nandos and waited for Finn, I suddenly noticed Justin.

Finns POV

Eve dragged me to Nandos to prove Clara's guilt, Clara would never do something mean like that, so what was the point?

Justin's POV

Wow Clara looked gorgeous,

"Hey babe" I said

"Umm, hi?" She replied

I leapt towards her as I kissed her tenderly, this was the best feeling ever! I felt so much passion.

Finns POV

I opened my mouth in astonishment! Why was Clara kissing Justin? Eve was right, she was nothing but a cheater. I walked home sadly and sulked in my room.

Clara' POV

What the hell?! Why was Justin kissing me?! I looked outside the window, Finn was walking away, I could tell he wanted to cry. I slapped Justin and ran.

Justin's POV

Ow! Why did she slap me, I thought she liked me, AUGHHHH life is annoying. Suddenly a pretty girl tapped me on the shoulder,

"Hi, my names Ariane, I couldn't help notice , but you are super handsome"

:) I think I felt better after that

Michelle's POV

Clara had told me what had happened. Our main suspect was Eve. You see, me and Clara have been best friends since we were born, and I mean literally, she was born in the same room as me, at the same time and day, apparently, when we were born, we were both crying but when we saw each other we laughed like hell-lol. Anyway, now me and Clara live together, just temporarily while my family live in Russia for a few months, and her family is in America.

So, after she told me about the incident, I went to go and tell Finn what really happened, but I bumped into the hottest boy ever, his name was Jack, Jack Harries.

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