The date

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After school, Finn told me he really liked hanging out with me-OMG he's so cute! So he asked me on a date.

"Ok so I know we like just met, I really like you so um, do you wanna go to this cruise dinner thing with me tonight?" He sweetly said.

You can probably guess my reply,

"Of course!"

on our way to the cruise I said:

"It's funny how we just met by chance,"

He replied: "You know, everything happens for a reason" and winked.

I bit my lip. He bit his. And there was a silence, strangely it wasn't awkward, it was actually quite, nice, in away.

After a while we finally got there, it was dark, but beautiful. I told Finn this too, he replied:

" That's not the only thing that's beautiful,"

OMG could he stop it already! He's so darn cute I can't control myself!


I then replied : "That's not the only thing that's beautiful,"

Gosh she probably thinks I'm really weird-what kinda of complement is that? LOL

Anyway,Jacks acting really strange, he NEVER talks to Clara, and he tells me he hates her, but I don't know why.

She asks: "Soo... what's up with Jack? He's never even said hi to me, strange isn't it,"

I just looked at her, not paying attention to anything she was saying. A few seconds later, I noticed her mouth tingling, and her eyes, she was looking at someone, but I couldn't make out exactly who.

Clara screamed: "OMG IT'S JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!! JUSTIN I LOVE YOU, LET'S GET MARRIED OMG AHHHHHHH SWAG!!!" I couldn't help getting a little jealous.


I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him, he pushed the other girls aside and smiled: "HEY BABE" I giggled

"Your really beautiful" I replied back. For the next few hours We were partying like mad! Justin kept on trying to kiss me- WHAT?! I have no idea why. I turned back and couldn't see Finn.

Justin bieber's girlfriend peered from behind: "Hello, my name is Michelle, what's yours,"

Love at first sight (a jacksgap fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now