Michelle and Jack

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Jacks POV

I had just bumped into the prettiest girl ever :)

"Hi, nice to meet you, my name is Jack, and yours is?"

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Michelle, wanna grab a coffee sometime?"

"Id love that (; well see you around! Wait let me get your number"

We then exchanged numbers. I walked home and crept up the staircase, I couldn't believe it, Finn was kissing Eve.


"Finn just started kissing me! I don't know why?!" Eve shouted

"No Jack honestly Eve grabbed me and kissed me, I promise please Ja.."

I couldn't quite hear the rest, as I was already running away. Why were things so complicated. I called up Michelle.

"Hey Michelle, wanna have that coffee you were talking about?"

"Sure! Meet you at Starbucks in five minutes bye!"

I hurried my way to Starbucks, Michelle was already there.

"Hey Jack!"


We walked up to the cash register

"What would you like?" A man asked

I answered "A Decaf Coffee please, with extra milk and sugar on the side"

Michelle continued the order "OMG that's what I always order, can I take that too"

We sat for hours and hours, she was just so interesting to listen too.

Michelle's POV

Jack and I had been talking for hours and hours, I then got a call from Ariane

"Hey Michelle! Just wondering how you were? Haven't seen you in years :( We should meet up sometime! I've got a friend I think you'd really like!"

"Yay, wanna meet at Starbucks in an hour?"

"Sure, bye"

I put down the phone

"I'm so sorry I have to go" Jack said

"Its fine, see you!" I replied

I then waited for a few minutes for Ariane

Ariane came.

"Hey ariane!"

"Hey Michelle! I'd like you to meet Jack, Jack Harries"

Me an Jack burst out laughing

"Ariane, Me and Jack just went to Starbucks together lol"


"Ok well since you two know each other, lets go to chessington adventure!!"

"Yeah!!!!" I replied

As we walked outside, it started raining, getting heavier after each step. Suddenly I slipped and fell into Jack, he smiled and kissed me.

"Whoa whoa what's going on here?" Ariane said, laughing.

We stopped kissing.

"I'm so sorry Michelle! That came out of nowhere!" Jack said, shocked

"It's fine" I replied as I leaned back into the kiss.

"OMG guys get a room!" Ariane laughed.

*Arianes POV

OMG they were weird lol.

After a bit of walking, we saw Clara on the street, she looked really sad.

"Hey Clara what's up?"

There was no reply.

"Just leave her" Michelle called

Finally we found a taxi, it was going to be a Long drive to chessington. It was strangely really awkward in the car, too awkward. So soon enough we got there, I was too scared to go on most of the rides as they all looked very intimidating.

Jack and Michelle went on all the romantic rides together, and were flirting like mad. A few minutes later, Jack was nowhere to be seen, we called and called, but still no answer

"Ok let's split up" Michelle suggested

As we took our separate ways, I heard a faint crying noise, after following that noise, I saw Jack inside an allyway

"Oh my Jack, what's wrong?" I asked

"III'm vvery confused" Jack said in a whimpering tone.

"I can't tell you" He continued

"Come on Jack, I'm one of your best friends, you can tell me anything, seriously, ANYTHING" I shouted

"Uh um, well you see..."

"Jack come on!"

"IM IN LOVE WITH CLARA! There I said it!" He screamed

"What?! I thought you and Michelle had so much chemistry"

"We do, and I feel better with Michelle and just wanna kiss her all day long, but my heart is randomly in love with Clara, that's why I didn't speak to her on the first day of school"

Hmm maybe he should'ntve told me...

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