Chapter 1

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I was walking through the halls of Rosewood High after a long day of school touching every single locker on my way down the hall. I silently sighed to myself. I was alone in the hallway. I looked down at my watch, which read 4:12. I've been walking the halls for almost 45 minutes. My days should be a little more action packed, I mean come on I'm a Senior this year! This is suppose to be my best year of school. I pick up my purse and slowly stomp down the hallway. I walk through to the entrance of the locker room, and to the pool. I glace at the pool before sitting on the bleachers, I see Emily swimming gracefully, like always, enjoying herself. I wish I could be like that. Not swimming, but to have something that I can enjoy and be good at. She stops her laps and takes a deep breath. She glances over at me and gives me a small smile before starting to swim again. I pull out my phone and check my messages but again nothing from no one. Emily stops her laps again and this time slowly pulls herself out of the water. She takes her hair out of the bun and starts to walk towards me. I set down my phone.

"Hey Ali!" She says while sitting down next to me on the bleachers. "What brings you here?"

I lightly smile at her. "I just felt like seeing my Best friend swim. Its been awhile. You look great...... In the water."

"Thanks." She blushes.

She looks so cute when she blushes. I haven't really talked to Emily about how I feel about her because I've never been with a girl and these feelings I'm feeling kind of scare me. I mean I know she has feelings for me, or at least she used to? I wish I could just come clean and tell her how I felt, but my whole life would change!

"Your welcome. you have any plans tonight or would you like to come over to my house for dinner?" I asked her.

"Oh... Wow I didn't know that the Alison Lauren Dilaurentis actually cooked food?" She said with a slight smirk.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I do, Emily Catherine Fields!" I giggled. She leaned forward and brushed a strand of my curled blonde hair out of my face. I could feel my face heat up, with the sense of a blush coming on. We both looked into each others eyes and she looked at my lips, my heart was pounding. Then Emily's teammate Melissa ran out from the team room.


"Alright Melissa! I'm coming." She picked up her swim bag, cap and goggles, and started to walk away, but she stopped short. "Oh Ali!" She said.


"I would love to come to your house after this meeting for dinner!" She smiled at me and waved goodbye.

"Alright see you when you get there!" And with that she was gone.
As soon as she was out of sight I grabbed all of my stuff and ran out of school. I threw all of my stuff in the backseat of my car and sped down the road towards my house.


I pulled up to my house, grabbed my keys and ran to open my door. I ran inside and saw the mess of shit all over the place. I grabbed every piece of clothing and threw it in the garage. I grabbed all the garbage and threw it away. Next step, vacuum everything before Emily gets here. Ughhhh!!! I grab the vacuum out of the closet and all of a sudden a presence is felt in the room.

"HEY BABE" Hanna yells in my ear.

"AHHHH" I scream falling back almost taking the vacuum with me, but Hanna caught the vacuum. "Really Hanna?!"

"What, this is a very nice vacuum! You can't afford to damage it." She says.

"Since when do you care about vacuums. I've never even seen you use one!"

"I don't! Ugh dirt and ugh nastiness, no way! Not for Hanna Banana." She scrunched her face up.

"Ughhhh!!!" I pushed past her and took the vacuum out of her hands.

"What is shoved up your ass today babe?" She asked. "Why are you so moody? Are you on you period, cause I thought that was two weeks from now?

"No I'm not on my period. And that's just weird that you know my schedule! I'm just trying to get something done." Half way through me talking Hanna decided to grab some pizza out of the fridge. "Really now is not the time for food!"

"Every time is time for food Ali" she smirked at me.

"Just take the pizza and get out of my house." I said as I pushed her towards the front door.

"But I just got here?" She replied.

"And your just leaving!" I pushed her out the door and slammed it shut. I leaned against the door and wiped my face with the back of my hand.

I ran upstairs to my bedroom, and started to tidy it up. I then ran back down stairs and stuck the lasagna, that I had made yesterday in the oven for 45 mins. I grabbed the vacuum again and began to vacuum the front room. I want everything to look some what decent tonight.


That's it Chapter 1!!! Let me know what you think of this book so far! Thank you so much for reading!!!

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