Chapter 3

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Emily's POV

As I walked out the door my heart was pounding. The dinner was great, but Ali hasn't really talked with anyone lately. I've been trying to figure out what was up. I'm happy that she invited me over today. I feel like she doesn't really know how I feel about her because I haven't really fully told her. She seemed to be giving off some unusual signs of uncomfortable feelings around me, but I don't know what about me makes her uncomfortable. As I walked down the walk way to my car I turned and looked back at Ali's front porch. I swear that I could see her shadow looking out the window, but it quickly disappeared. I turned back around and walked to my car. I dug in my purse, looking for my keys. I couldn't find them. I dug further in my purse as I leaned against my car door. I eventually found them at the bottom in the mess of gum wrappers.

"Thank God!" I sighed in relief.

I stuck my keys in my door and unlocked it. I hopped in my car. I sighed. I hope that I get to hang out with Ali more. Tonight was a little, how can I put it, interesting... I reached in my bag next to me and put on a pair of jeans. I stuck my keys in the ignition and turned. Nothing. Again. Nothing. Again and again and again, still, nothing.

"Come on!!! Please work. Don't do this to me right now."

I turned it again. The engine sputtered.

"Yes. Come on!"

Then the engine completely shut off.

"Fuck" I screamed and slammed my fists against the steering wheel, making the horn honk. All of a sudden it started to rain. And when I say rain, I mean it started to pour.

"Ugh. Really right now!"

I looked back at Ali's house from my window, and I could barely see out of it. I grabbed my stuff from the back seat and held it in my lap. I took a deep breath and stepped out of my car. I began to run as fast as I could to Ali's front door. Once I was safely underneath the overhang I let a big breath out. My clothes were soaking wet along with my hair. I brought my fist up and banged on the front door. After a few seconds I heard scuffling in the house. Then the door swung open and she appeared in front of me.

"My car won't start......." I said.


Alison's POV

When Emily walked out of the door I sighed. I walked over to the window and watched her slowly walk down the walkway. As soon as she got to her car I stepped away from the window. I made my way over to my couch and plopped myself down on it. I pulled the blanket closer to me. I just noticed how cold this room has gotten without her presence. I keep trying to admit to myself that I'm like her. When I see her, my heart beats a little faster, my stomach feels a little lighter and my smile shines a little brighter. Her smile lights up the world. Her hair flows just like the waves of an ocean. And her eyes, oh her eyes. I could just stare into them for days. Without being creepy of course. I wish I could just run out that door right now and chase after her. Have her pull me into her arms and.... I hear a car horn honk, interrupting my thoughts. That happens a lot. Car alarms, garbage men, or just a plain old person honking their horn. I throw that thought into the back of my mind.

I suddenly hear rain start. Its beating down on the roof. I lay on my back on the couch looking at he ceiling. I hope Emily made it home okay. I would hate for her to be stuck in this rain driving. I lay their own thinking about what I'm going to do with myself tomorrow. We have a test in Biology and I really don't think I'm doing to well in that class. I roll over on the couch so I'm facing the back of it and pull the blanket up to my face. I listen to the patter of the rain on the windows. I signal all of my thoughts to that.

"Goodnight." I say to myself.

All of a sudden I hear pounding on the door. I wonder who that could be. I throw the blanket off of me and walk to the door. I swing the door open to reveal a soaking wet Emily. Her hair was dripping wet and her clothes were soaked through with water. I could see her body shiver.

"My car won't start......." She said.

I opened the door wider. She walked in. I walked over to the heater and turned it up. It was now we to 71°.

"You can stay here for the night. You look very uncomfortable. I'll go get you something warm." I said as I headed up the stairs.

I reached my room and dug through my drawers. I found a pair of black sweats and a plain gray t-shirt. As I set them on my bed Emily walked into my room.

"This is what I could find." I say as I hand her the sweats and the t-shirt.


She takes the clothes out of my hands and starts to strip. She takes off her shirt and let's it fall on the floor. My eyes almost fall out of my head. My jaw hits the floor. Her abs. Oh her abs. I want to just run my hands up and down them. And her boobs are perfectly jacked up by her bra. They are perfectly round. I've never seen so much beauty. Sweetness flows from her appearance and her beauty makes me fall more in love with her. She then puts on the t-shirt and I turn to the side a bit so it doesn't look like I'm completely staring at her. She then moves to her jeans. She's tugging and pulling at them. She can't really get them off since there so wet.

"Can I help?" I ask motioning towards her jeans.

She nods her head yes. I slowly move towards her. I grab the top of her jeans, which are just below her butt, and tug. I get them to come down a bit. I run my finger tips along her perfectly toned legs. Its sends heat shooting through my body, and she shivers at my touch.

"Ali......" She says.



Okay you guys are very lucky. My friend gave me some inspiration to write this yesterday. I was so mad, because I hadn't saved the chapter I wrote somewhere else just in case. I tried to get all the thoughts I wrote in the chapter that got deleted here. Let me know what you think.
PS. I need some help on the next chapter. If anyone is upon to helping me PM me please. It would mean a lot to me thanks.

Emison:Ever AfterWhere stories live. Discover now