Chapter 11

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My date with Alec was amazing! He took me to this amazing restaurant. I was the only one who ate of course but he told me a lot about the volturi while I did. After that we went back to the castle and he showed me to my room. It wasn't much of a first date but he promised the next would be better.

That night all I could think of was my family. If they hated me so much why would they come to get me? Maybe they just missed having someone to take their anger out on. But I had this weird feeling that I should go home. No. I'm just not used to being happy that's it. It just feels weird. I couldn't possibly be missing my family.


Everyone was sitting in the living room of our suite. We weren't going to leave Italy until we got Lizzy back. Nessie was trying not to cry. Knowing that all of Elizabeth's memories were gone was upsetting. I stood up off the couch and walked toward the door.

"Where are you going?" Bella asked.

"For a walk." I answered. Once I was out of the hotel I ran straight to the Volturi's castle. I burst through the doors and told the woman behind the front desk that I needed to see Aro. Felix came to take me to him. We got to the throne room and I saw Aro was the only one there.

"Edward, back so soon?" He asked.

"I want my daughter back." I snarled.

"Why?!" Lizzy's voice asked. I turned and saw her standing in the doorway with her arms crossed. She was in a pair of pjs and her hair was a little messy so I guess she had been asleep. "Why do you want me back?!" She demanded again, getting angrier.

"Because you're my daughter and I love you." I answered gently. I could hear her thinking of if I meant it but she quickly decided I didn't. "Elizabeth," I started walking toward her," I know you won't believe me but your family loves you. You used to know that but some vampire made you forget." "You expect her to believe that?" Aro asked.

I ignored him and took a step closer to Lizzy. A burst of fire suddenly exploded from her hands, barely missing me. Before I could react more flames flew at me, this time landing on my shirt and catching it on fire. A look of panic filled Lizzy's face and she quickly used the water from a nearby vase to put out the fire. When I looked up I saw she was shaking and crying.

"Don't cry." I coaxed quickly walking closer to her. I reached out my hand to wipe away her tears and she flinched. An  image of me hitting her appeared in her mind. "I would never hit you." I said. More images of me hitting her flashed across her head. So that's what that vampire replaced her memories with. What other fake memories does she have?

"Aro, will you make him leave?" She asked. Before Aro could I left. I didn't want to stay if it was upsetting Lizzy. We need to find a way to make her realize what that vampire did to her before we take her.


Once my dad was gone I fell to my knees and started crying even harder. "I'll have Jane and Alec take you to your room." Aro said before he left the throne room. A second later Jane and Alec were there. "What happened?" Jane asked coming to wipe away my tears.

"I attacked my dad." I answered. Why was I upset though. I've been waiting my whole life to do that. To hurt him like he hurt me. But it felt.. wrong. Part of me didn't want to hurt him. "Nice going." Alec said with a smile. Jane glared at him before pulling me into her arms.

She ran at inhuman speed up to my room and sat me on the bed. "Elizabeth, I have to tell you something." She said sitting beside me.

"What is it?"

"Before I do you have to promise to hear me out because I know you aren't going to believe me. But I need you to try, ok?"

"Jane, just tell me."

"Well I heard what your dad was saying before you attacked him. About a vampire making you forget stuff about your family."

"Jane-" She held her hand up to stop me.

"You promised to hear me out. Well, he was right."

(A/N sorry this is so short!!! It was longer but for some reason only half of it was published so I rewrote the rest really quick so people wouldn't only read half of it.)

Elizabeth Cullen: The story of Renesmee's twin sisterWhere stories live. Discover now