Chapter 4

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"Elizabeth, Renesmee." Dad said walking into our room. We'd been lying on Nessie's bed, reading magazines. He sat at the foot of the bed, "We're going to have to go talk to the volturi." He said. "When do we leave?" I asked. 

"You and Nessie are staying here, along with Alice and Rosalie." 

"But I wanna go. It's my fault."

He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear, "You and Nessie need to stay here. I promise, we're going to handle this." 

He kissed our foreheads and left. 


"Are you ready?" I asked Edward, who was sitting on our bed. He nodded and stood up. We went to the main house where everyone was waiting. Before leaving me and Edward hugged and kissed Renesmee and Elizabeth. Elizabeth begged to come but we said no.

"It's my fault though." She argued. "No it's not," I wrapped one of my arms around her, "Edward?" I looked at him, silently asking him to tell her it wasn't her fault. "We need to leave." He said and got into his car. I kissed Renesmee and Elizabeth then got into the car next to Edward.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked. 


"Then tell Elizabeth this isn't her fault."

"Let's just do this first." 

We pulled onto the highway and started toward the airport.


He hates me. I heard Lizzy think. I walked over and hugged her, "No he doesn't."  "Let's go inside." Alice said. We followed her and Rosalie into the house and sat on the couch. "What do you two want for breakfast?" Alice asked walking into the kitchen. 

"Eggs." I answered. A few minutes later she came back with two plates of fried eggs and sat them on our laps. I quickly finished mine but Lizzy wouldn't touch hers. "Liz, why aren't you eating?" Alice asked. "I'm not hungry." Lizzy answered. I reached up and touched Alice's cheek, showing her that Lizzy was upset and blaming herself. 

Alice frowned and grabbed Lizzy's plate, then took it into the kitchen. 

For the rest of the day we just watched tv. Every time Alice or Rose made us something to eat Lizzy said she wasn't hungry. 

"I'm going to bed." Lizzy said standing up from the couch. It was about 1 A.M. "Me too." I said. Alice and Rose kissed us night and we began walking to the cottage. 

"Lizzy, stop being upset." I ordered as we walked into our room. "I'm not." She lied and slumped on her bed. 

I sighed and sat beside her. "Do you think everything's ok?" She asked.

"Of course."

She rested her head on my shoulder. "Liz, this isn't your fault. We were both there. If anything it's my fault."

"It's not your fault, Nessie."

"Then it's not yours either."


I put my finger over her mouth. "It's either both our faults or neither of our faults."

She pulled away from me and rested her head on her pillow.


"Thank god they're going to let us live." Bella said as I wrapped my arm around her. We'd just gotten home from Italy and seeing the Volturi. 

It took three hours but we convinced them to let us go. We had to give them half a million dollars and Aro said he'd send someone to see Elizabeth soon. They'd already seen Renesmee and wanted to see Elizabeth's powers. But they said they wouldn't take either of them. 

We walked into the main house where Rosalie and Alice were watching tv. "How did it go?" Alice asked. "The volturi are going to leave us alone, for now." Esme answered. "How were the girls?" I asked.

"Fine," Rosalie answered then looked up at me, "Elizabeth is really upset. She hasn't eaten all day and she's barely talked." 

Bella looked up at me and crossed her arms, "Go talk to her. Right now." 

"Ok." I kissed her cheek and went out to the cottage.

When I got into Nessie's and Lizzy's room I saw Nessie was fast asleep and Lizzy was awake. She sitting on her bed, with her knees pulled up to her chest.

"Hey, honey." I said sitting next to her. She looked up at me, "What happened?"

"Nothing much. Everyone's going to be fine though. They agreed to leave us alone. 

Her expression became releaved then sad again, "I'm sorry." 

"Sorry for what?"

"Causing all this."

"You didn't." I wrapped my arms around her and rested my head on top of hers. 

"But even you said so."

I felt a pang of guilt. "Sweety, I didn't mean it. I was just upset."

She pulled her head away and looked up at me. There were tears forming in her eyes. "Why did you blame me and not Nessie? We were both there." 

That question caught me by surprise. What am I supposed to say? "Er... I just... I don't know."

She frowned and rested her head on my chest. I got into her mind to see what she was thinking. She was thinking of her saying 'it's because you love Nessie more' and then me getting mad and leaving. 

"I don't love Nessie more." I said. "Why were you reading my mind?" She asked.

"That's not the point. Sweet heart, I love you and your sister the same."

"It doesn't feel like it sometimes." 

"I don't try to make you feel like that on purpose." 

"I know."

I kissed her head and stood up. "Night." She crawled under the covers and I tucked her in.

Then, I went over to Nessie, kissed her night, and went into mine and Bella's room. 

She was sitting on our bed, reading. "How did it go?" She asked. 

"Good." I sat down. 

"What's wrong?" She asked. She must have noticed I looked upset. 

"Lizzy said it feels like I love Nessie more than her."

"Did you tell her that was ridiculous?"

"Of course."

"Maybe you should take her and Nessie out for a father daughter day tomorrow." 


Elizabeth Cullen: The story of Renesmee's twin sisterWhere stories live. Discover now