CH 8 Masen the Investigator

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Masen POV

Blake has been acting weird all week and I know it has something to do with my stalking case but he won't tell me what it is. I'm slowly going crazy as Blake pulls back from me, he hasn't been this distant with me since when he just got with Jenny. I have brought it up to him but he denies anything is wrong but I can tell he is lying to me.

I made dinner tonight in hopes to get him to sit down and talk to me about what is going on with him. It's after five and Blake is never home this late so I text him for the third time.

M- where are you?
M- I made dinner....
M- ughh whatever I'm going to eat without you!!!

Still no response another ten minutes later so I put everything in the oven to keep somewhat warm and lay on the couch to wait, he has to come home sometime. I can't help but think over the last week and how weird Blake has been acting. He comes home late and when he is here he can't look me in the eye half the time. I'm his best friend I just wish he could trust me and just tell me what is going on.

Finally I get up and decide if he isn't going to tell me what is going on I will find out on my own. The first thing I do is go to our bedroom and start going through his duffle bag. I'm disappointed to find it only contains his gym clothes. I look around the room and spot his laptop so I open it and log on.

As I wait for the screen to load I feel a twinge of guilt in my stomach that I shouldn't be doing this but I push it down. I log onto Blake's laptop and look through his files and a file named Mas-151001 jumps out at me so I click to open it.

I go through the evidence from my case and look at the cliff notes that Blake and Nathan have made on the case. Two names pop out at me Mary Lou and Elisa who are highlighted as PM's. I exit out of the files and Google PM's and three results pop up. Private Message, Post Mortem, and Potential Mother.

I clear the history and log off Blake's computer and go back and sit on the couch and wait for him to come home. He has a lot of explaining to do when he gets here. I just hope his answers will stop this weird funk we are in.


I awake sometime after the sun has gone down and look at my phone and see its after nine. I hear the toilet flush and the shower start. I get up and rub my eyes and walk down the hall and walk into the bathroom.

Blake is already in the shower so I sit on the toilet seat and wait for him to be done. When the shower turns off Blake gets out and wraps a towel around his waist and jumps when he sees me. "What the hell Mas? You scared the shit out of me."

I nod. "Where were you? I texted you and you never texted me back." Blake sighs and leaves the bathroom and I follow to the bedroom as he gets dressed into some sweats. I sit on the bed with my arms crossed waiting for Blake to say something.

Blake pinches the bridge of his nose before taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry Mas I was busy and I couldn't get a second to text you back. We had a break in your case and I just needed to see it through."

I nod. "Does it have anything to do with Mary Lou or Elisa?" Blake stops dead in his tracks and looks over to his laptop and back at me. "Masen? Why would you look at classified files on my laptop?"

I scoff. "If you didn't want me to see them you should have changed your password from when we're thirteen, it's still suckadick." Blake sighs frustratedly. "Masen I trust you I live with you and I need to be able to trust you. You can't bring doing things like this."

I nod not feeling bad one bit about breaking Blake's trust. "If you want me to trust you then talk to me. Stop ignoring me and making me question what the hell is going on, and I only looked at my file no one else's so don't act like I did something terrible."

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