CH 2 Hang Over Cures

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Masen POV-

The first thing I notice when I wake up is that my mouth feels fuzzy and I have a splitting headache. The next thing I notice is I'm not in bed alone, which makes me groan. I peek one eye open and look to see who is in bed with me, I'm a little shocked to see a naked torso. My eyes drink up the naked abs and flesh before looking up to look into brown eyes that are slanted half closed half open.

I sit up slowly while grabbing my aching head and notice I'm pretty much naked too. I look over at Will questioningly. "What happened last night?" Will sits up to and lifts the sheet. "I don't really remember but I have my underwear on so I know what didn't happen."

I rack my brain trying to remember the events of last night but all I have are little flashes of doing shots and dancing with Blake and Will. "I remember going to Old Town and doing shots and dancing with you and Blake but I have no clue how we got here or half naked in my bed at." I look over at my phone and see it's noon. "Damn it's already noon, I hope Blake got to ok work this morning."

Will grabs something off the nightstand and throws it in his mouth before handing me some aspirin. "I think Blake tucked us in because someone left water and aspirin by the bed and that screams of Blake." I chuckle as I knock back the medicine and some water before laying back down.

"Well I don't know about you but I feel like shit so I'm going to try and go back to sleep for a couple of hours, your more than welcome to stay when you want to leave just lock the door on your way out ok." Will mumbles ok as he drifts back off to sleep too.

I don't know how much time has passed when I wake up again but I feel a whole lot better. I hear noise in the kitchen so I get up and follow the noise. I stand against the wall and watch as Blake effortlessly makes some grilled cheeses. I let myself live in the little fantasy for a minute that this is my life that Blake belongs in my kitchen cooking me food.

Then the front door opens and Jenny catches me staring with dreamy eyes at Blake. Blake turns at the sound too and smiles at his girlfriend. "Hey babe."

Jenny walks past me and I sit at the bar as my little fantasy is ruined by their kiss. Blake looks over at me. "How are you feeling, you and Will really got hammered last night I had to drag your two asses here and put you to bed you two were so drunk."

I smile sheepishly as Blake puts down a sandwich in front of me. I hum appreciatively as the warm sandwich soothes my stomach. Will stumbles out of my room and I see Jenny's eyes go wide and have to struggle not to laugh she knows we are both gay so she probably figures we hooked up.

Will sits by me and Blake hands him a sandwich also that he scarfs down. "Thanks Blake that was delicious, and thanks for putting Mas and I to bed last night. It's so weird I don't even remember drinking that much."

Blake laughs. "You guys started off good then one of you idiots challenged the other and you started doing shots like crazy. I put a stop to it at eight but you were both pretty well hammered by then."

Will laughs. "Sounds like something we would do." I laugh and then grimace at the slight headache I still have. Blake opens my cabinet and throws me the bottle of aspirin and then he hands me a glass of water I take gratefully. When I'm done I hand the bottle to Will buthe shakes his head no. I mutter. "Lucky, my head still hurts like a bitch."

I hear my cell go off in my room but ignore it its to far to walk. A couple seconds later Blake's phone goes of and he answers it. "Detective O'Neil speaking. Yeah, he is, no he's fine.... Don't worry I will remind him."

He hangs up and looks at me. "Mark wanted me to remind you that you have to be at gramps house in forty minutes and that you need to call him more he was worried about you when you didn't call today."

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