Chapter 14: coffee,treats and sexy

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Sonic's POV
We were walking in the store at 3 A.M. in the morning...I was getting cravings so bad and if I didn't have them...I would probably die...but I know for a fact that I am not preggers because me and shadow..well, I haven't let shadow take me yet because I'm scared...a bit..don't tell anyone..but yeah..I'm kind of scared for doing it our first time!! I mean, who wouldn't be?! I wonder what it would feel like..silver says it feels wonderful! feels good..I don't trust him too much for some reason..even though he's like my BFFLTE*..because ever since tails died..I've been lonely lately..and..yeah, it make me sad just talking about it..but silver has helped me through a lot of things, and I think I should trust him I mean after all we are BFFLTE*!! Why wouldn't  you trust that person?! That'd be crazy..heh..(BFFLTE: Best Friends For Like Totally Ever) shadow smacked my butt which made me yelp, I tryed to be as quite as I could "SHADOW!! What have I told you about that are you even listening to me!! Oh..when I get home I'm not sleeping with you!!!" He laughed as hard as he could "HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!! OH!! Ha!" I stared at him "-___-" "okay,okay,okay..I won't laugh at you!" I just kept staring at him while drinking my coffee. "-___-.." he stared at me too "O-O" his ruby eyes widening at my stare which made me kind of smile, and the I started to laugh. "Okay, Okay..I'll sleep with you still!! Besides...I would be cold without you there!~" I said as sexy as I could, he seemed to think it was sexy because he licked his lips while scanning my body up and down with his eyes. "Stop that!" I slapped him on the arm and pulled him along with me "what do we have on the list again? Burr...I wish Mephiles and Silver would have listened to me when I said it was their turn to go shopping!! Burr...why is it so cold in here?!?" Shadow chuckled and handed me his very big and warm jacket. I refused it until he placed it over my shoulders. "T-thank you...." He smiled and continued to walk beside me. I slid my arms down the sleeves and found more warmth. The jacket smelt like shadow and I enjoyed his scent all the time. He looked around. I walked with the buggy and stoped at the eggs and grabbed a pack of them.
Shadow's POV
I watched sonic pick out eggs with his hands barely showing in my jacket, only the tips of his peach fingers. He looked adorable in his outfit, he had changed his outfit throughout the night, I had noticed even though he didn't think I was awake, he must have gotten cold because he changed into pink sweat pants with a heart on the thigh of them, and on the butt of them it had 'Cute'N'Sexy' I definitely agreed with that, and he had his baby blue T-shirt on that said 'gays rule' in bright pink. I chuckled a little when he looks at me with his big emerald eyes, They were really big, I mean..he was just adorable..he could never and I mean never be seme. His eyelashes where much too long, his body was to feminine, his hands were too small, his muscles..were not muscles..he liked to shop a lot , he likes rainbows, and everything possible a girl would like. But yeah. This is where I draw the line, sonic is not a Seme type, but anyways..."shadow? What's next hon, grapes? Or..what?" I shook my head and looked at him. "Uh..peanut butter!" He nodded and planted a sweet kiss on my cheek, He rolled the buggy to the next isle and looked down it, He then went to the next one then went down it and found it, He smiled and yawned "well...that's it I guess..well let's see...milk..eggs, bread,peanut butter...cereal, apples...Swiss--" "SWISS ROLLS!!" I yelled out everyone stareing at me. "Yes..ahem..Swiss rolls..uhh, dog buns..and that's it, okay, Lets go"

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