Forever & Always {Chapter 1: The first sight}

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"Lia! Wake up and come down here please!"I groaned and rolled over "Lia! Now!"I relunclantly opened my eyes. Slowly, my room started to come into focus. Before I had any time to take in my surroundings, my eyes started closing again. I forced them open enough to see the time. 8:30 on a saturday? This had better be good. "LIA! I SAID GET UP AND GET DOWN HERE!!"On that,lovely, note i pulled myself up and got out of bed. I caught a glimpse of myslf in the mirror and instantly regretted it. I looked treaterouse. I took of my pj's and exchanged them for a pair of skinny jeans and a purple tank top. Then I untied my hair, and sighed. My curls were sticking out everywhere! "Great." i mumbled under my breath."Lia!!""I'm coming!! Jeeze!!"Swearing under my breath, I started trying to tame my hair. After a couple minutes, i gave up and snatched my purple blackberry off my bed before heading downstairs. Once i made it to the kitchen, i was greeted by the smell of my mom's homemade pancakes. My mom was over the stove with the fan on. "What's up?" i asked, eyeing the stack of pancakes on the table. I grabbed a pancake off the top of the pile, and started eating it. My mom took a deep breat, then sat across from me at the tale, a coffee cup in her hand. "We've got some new neighbours, " she said, stirring her coffee. "I'd like you to bring them that cake I made." she nodded towards the counter, where a spongecake was sitting. "Why? What did they ever do to me?" She wasn't exactly a very good baker. "Ha-Ha. I want you to go instead of me because they have a son. Maybe you two could be friends, you know, hang out this summer." she suggested, taking a sip of her coffee."Whatever."  My mom smiled. "Thanks." When i got to my room, i decided to tie my hair in a bun, but some curls slipped out, framing my face a little. Pleased that my hair decided to listen, i decided to put on a bit of make up. Who knows? Maybe I'll get lucky and this guy will end up being cute.

When i got back into the kitchen, my mom was done her coffee, and was cleaning up. I grabbed the spongecake off the counter and headed for the front door. "Bye mom!" I said over my shoulder."Bye!" she answered, not looking up from the dishes she was washing.After slipping into my black keds, i started walking out the door. Halfway down the street, i realized that i forgot to ask wich house I had to go to. Well, i kinda know all the people in my neighbourhood,so I'll probably be able to tell wich people are new. Thankfully, there was amoving van leaving a house two down from mine. I rang the doorbell. A couple seconds later, someone opened the door. I was about to introduce myself when i saw who was standing in front of me.

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I woke up to the sound of moving van coming from outside. The sun was creeping through the curtains, encouraging me to wake up. Still in a hazy dream, I rolled out of bed and opened the curtains. The moving van was backing into my drive way, ready to drop off all my things. I turned to my empty room, gazing at, well, nothing. The only thing in my room was my matress and a box filled with some clothes. I opened the box and pulled out a pair of jeans. After putting them on, I headed downstairs to get a couple boxes of my belongings. It was scaring me to have nothing to look at in my room except my bare walls. It left me with nothing to do but think, and thinking scares me. It always leads to an internal battle with yourself, and that was something i didn't need right now.

It was mid July and i just moved into my new house a couple days ago. I still wasn't used to the neighbourhood, and my mom keeeps nagging me to make friends, there isn't even anyone my age on this street, and I'm certinly not the type to chase after people , begging for their friendship. I'll be fine on my own.

I wasn't even downstairs yet when i heard my parents struggling with the boxes they were carrying into the house. I rolled my eyes as i stepped into the garage, practically running over my mom."Oh! Sweetie, where have you been?" she asked. "Where would i be on a saturday morning?" i asked, wishing they'd chosen a later time to do this. "Just grab a box and put it in the room its labeled for." answered my dad from across the room.  I sighed and grabbed two boxes, one piled onto the other. It was ridiculouse how weak my parents were.Then again, my favorite hobby is boxing. i thought to myselft, admiring my muscles in the mirror i passed by.

       The rest of the morning went by like that, until about 9 o'clock, when we decided to take a break, since we already lugged half the boxes inside. Instead of sitting on the couch and watching t.v., like my parents, i went into my room and put up my punching bag. I set it up in the corner of my room, and started training. A few minutes later, I was interrupted by my doorbell. I knew my parent were downstairs and couldn't hear it ringing, but i seriously didnt feel like greeting another stupid neighbour with cookies telling me that i should come hang out with her daughter one day. Knowing they'll just ring again, i went to get the door without putting on a shirt. It's not like my abs will scar them for life or something, i thought to myself,in fact, it'll probably make their day. i added. I checked myself out in the mirror , then opened the door, prepared for more cookies, but that wasn't what was waiting for me, at all.

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