Chapter 6:Our last night

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It was September 1, 5:00 am. It was my first day of my new school and i was so nervous i thought i was going to barf. All i had been thinking of all summer was Alex,and now that it's school and he won't be there, i don't know what i'm going to do. I've been considering calling him,but it's 5 and he has his first day at a new school tomorrow too. So i sat in bed thinking of him.It was the only thing keeping me sane.We're going to split up during the school year, i know it. He's going to make new friends, meet some pretty girl and forget about me.I felt hot tears roll down my cheek.I miss him already. Before i knew it, i heard my mom barge into my room.I wiped my tears and pretended i was asleep. She shook me. "Lia! It's 7:15! Get up! It's the first day of school!" i faked a yawn and rubbed my eyes,making it seem like that's why they're red. I got out if bed and pulled on my uniform.I went downstairs to eat,but my stomach turned and i didn't. "Bye mom!" i yelled from the entrance,checking myself in the mirror.Don't worry. There'll be other guys,you just have to be opened to let there be others. I smiled,trying to convince myself i was confident. It didn't work. Tears started pouring out of my eyes,but i didn't make a sound and left the house,not caring that i'd cry through my waterproof mascara before i even got to school. I didn't even look at Alex's house,scared that i'd see him.I wouldn't be able to handle that. I sat alone on the bus and listened to my iPod. I tried not to remember the time i got jealous of the girls he was flirting with on the bus,or all the times i saw him on his iPod,mouthing the words as he listened,eyes distant. I wanted to cry,but i was out of tears.Instead i felt my heart constrict in my chest,wich was much worse.With every passing second,thoughts filled my head from the summer. My chest tightened. And tightened. When i got to school i couldn't breathe. By the end of the day i was close to passing out or having a mental breakdown. I suffered the bus ride until i got home. Relieved that no one was home,i unlocked the door and breathed. "Hey Babydoll." i smiled without turning around.Was he waiting for me to come home? He should be out with his friends right now.I locked the door and turned around. "Hey Cena." i bit my lip when i saw how close he was to me. We were touching,and i could smell the Axe oozing through every pore in his body.It was a familiar smell.Just like that,my heart un clenched and i could breathe easily. I wanted to jump into his arms and kiss him and never let go. He ran his fingers through his hair and stared at me with his ocean-blue eyes. "So how was your first day?" he asked. I looked at him,the most amazing guy i'd ever met,standing a milimeter away from me,asking how my day went. I smiled. "It was amazing." he smiled back. "Awesome,hey,how about you ditch the schoolbag and we go for a walk while i tell you about my day." he sugested. I agreed and went inside to my room to drop of my bag.

I laughed."Wow what a day."i said, after hearing about his crazy day.he smiled "I kno right?It's okay though,it's much better now." It sure is. I looked around me, to the almost-empty park and sighed.Alex was on his side beside me on the ground.He observed me quizically."Lia?" he asked. Wow,i almost forgot what it sounded like to hear him say my name.My real one. "Ya?" i said,staring deeply into his eyes.He held my gaze."I...I'm really lucky to have you.I just wanted you to know,in didn't know or something.I promise that no matter what happends,i'll always be so lucky to have met you that day that all of this started.You'll always be the best thing that ever happened to me."he said,his beautiful eyes staring through mine. I was speechless. Does he really mean that,or was he just saying it?'He reached over and pushed a piece of hair falling into my eyes behind my ear.I covered his hand with mine,keeping it on the side of my neck. "Promise?" i asked him,tears filling my eyes.I was remembering the last time someone said something like that to me.It didn't exactly end well.My voice shaked.He stuck his hand out.I shook it,we bumped fists twice,hit the back of eachother's hands and then pinkie sweared."Promise." he smiled.I

smiled back.I'm the one who should be letting him know how lucky i am to have him.He saves me.There we were,laying down beside eachother at our park while the sun started to set.No one said anything,we just looked at eachother and daydreamed.Well, i daydreamed.I knew he was too,cause whenever he did he lost the intense flame in his eyes that burnt holes through me. He looked,innoncent.Well,as innoncent as you can with a switchblade in your back pocket.He never told me when he brought it,but as a reflex from Brooklyn, whenever we passed by someone suspicious he put his hands in his back pockets.After a couple minutes he spoke. "Wanna go home Babydoll?" i nodded and we headed home. Once we got home we said our goodbyes, but instead of walking away he kissed me on the cheek.I was shocked and i could feel myself blush. "Bye." he smiled,leaving.I smiled back,still fazed. "Bye." i said under my breath.

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