Chapter 4: Midnight calls

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Hey guys! I just wanted to thank you all for reading my stories,and to show you how thankful i am i'll fan the next 15 people to comment,and i'll read one of your stories,kay? :) thanks again! :D<3

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At 12:03 am, i started to get cold. I woke up and looked around my room.The window was open.I got out of bed and sleepily closed it.Wierd. I could of sworn it was closed last night.'I re-opened the window and stuck my head out. Nothing. The lights were all out in the neighbour's houses. I craned my neck to get a view of Alex's house. He must of been sleeping, because all the lights were out in his house too. Well,exept for a dim glow coming from a room on the second floor. I closed the window and made my way to bed until i spotted a piece of paper on the floor. It was about the size of a napkin. Probably a note the wind blew off my desk. I opened it to someone else's writing. It was sloppy, kind of like you'd written it late at night in a room with poor light. Or drunk. Confused, i struggled to read the words with the moonlight acting as my only light. 'Hey. I just realized i forgot to give you my number in case, i don't know, something was wrong or whatever. Sweet dreams. Alex' i re-read the note a couple times,smiling. On the back a number was written.I bit my lip, analyzing this situation.Eventually i decided to call him. For two reasons: 1- I wanted to know why he couldn't just tell me tomorrow. 2- i really needed to know how he got the note into my room in the first place. And 3- i secretly wanted to hear his voice before i fell asleep again. I cautiously closed my door, then sat on my bed and dialed the number.

He picked up on the first ring. "Hello?" he said, wide awake. "Alex? It's Lia." "Oh,hey."Hearing his voice made me forget all the reasons i told myself i needed to call him for, and concentrated on savoring every word he said. I bit my lip. "Hey." "It's 12:10, any reason you're calling me?" he asked, but didn't sound the least annoyed.None of the reasons i named before came to mind."Just making sure this isn't a fake number." i joked, happy that it wasn't. It was quiet for a second, then he laughed. It was a beautiful sound that made my heart skip beats, even through the phone.I smiled stupidly, knowing he couldn't see. I could imagine him in his room,sitting up on his bed, legs bent,elbows leaning on his knees, just simply staring into space with those beautiful eyes that had probably changed color since the last time i saw him.

"Your boyfriend must of been pissed you spent the whole day with another guy,huh?" he asked without emotion. "Actually," i said,"i don't have a boyfriend." ' hopefully it won't be that way for long.'"your girlfriend must've been jealous of me spending so much time with me yesterday,then." i crossed my fingers and prayed. Please don't make him have a girlfriend.Please.I've been through this too many times, i know the ending.Please let me get the guy, PLEASE. "Nah,she wasn't." he said without knowing my heart felt like it was being cut out of my chest with play dough scrisors. I almost cried, but being used to this, i took a deep breath and bit my lip."Oh..." "At least," added Alex, " she wouldn't be, if i had one, that is." i heard him laugh softly. Ignoring his insult,my heart came back to life and i exhaled." ha-ha, very funny." i replied,smiling. He made a satisfied sound.

"I should really get to sleep, it's 12:30." he said. "Me too." i agreed even though i could of stayed awake talking to him for hours. "See you tomorrow?" he asked. I smiled.He does want to hang out again! "Maybe." i said, replying with his answer from our last conversation. He laughed. "Goodnight Lia." My heart stopped. "Goodnight."

Then i hung up. And i did have a good sleep.I dreamt of his smile and eyes, his gorgeouse face, and having his arms around me,whispering:"Goodnight Lia."

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At 11:00,i woke from my dreams of Lia. I sat up ane held my head in my hands.What's wrong with you?You're going crazy.You must be, this new feeling, it has to be my brain cells dying and making me go insane! Or... maybe you're falling in love.What?!? No, i can't be, she'd never feel the same way. I mean, i've had millions of girls drool over me, thousands ask me out, and dated like 12,all before i turned 16, and i have to fall in love with the one that isn't interested.I have to know if she is.I just do.Maybe there's still a chance.I climbed out of bed, pulled on a pair of jeans and a random top, grabbed a piece of paper off my desk and opened my window.It was cold, but i ignored the temperature and climbed out the window.

I landed on the grass in the front yard, feet first. Then i started walking towards Lia's house. I was thinking of what i could write to her when i realized i didn't bring a pen.Great.I was already in front of her house, so without thinking properly, i decided to get into her room,and hopefully find a pen,write the note,then leave. Not knowing witch room was hers, i picked the one in the front. It was surprisingly easy to access.I climbed the car parked in the driveway under the window,then jumped, praying my hands would grab onto the window ledge.And that none of the neighbours saw me and decided to call the cops.They did. My hands, that is. I felt the smooth ledge and stopped praying,allowing myself to breath.Then, once again praying, i reached up and opened the window.Without looking inside i pulled myself inside,then closed the window again. Her room was purple. Kinda messy for a girl,but then again my room wasn't any better.I barely found her in the heap of blankets and pillows surrounding her, but when i did my heart started racing. The moonlight lit her face up, her eyes closed, eyelashes casting shadows on her cheeks. Without thinking, i sat beside her on the bed,then jumped back up. What am i thinking?!? If she wakes up i'm dead.Just write the note and get out.That's it.I looked at her one more time,smiling,then turned towards her desk to find a pen.As quietly as i could, i searched her desk for a pen.Finally i found one and sat down to write. It was quiet.I started thinking,until i was interrupted by a faint sound. I looked around her room but saw nothing.Surprised, i stopped moving and listened. "Alex," Oh my god! It's Lia!She's talking in her sleep.About....?Me? "Please.Don't leave." she begged,her eyes still closed. I wondered what she was dreaming about,then realized i could never ask her. I shook off all the things i was thinking of and started writing.

When i finished writting, i put the note on her desk where she could see it.She was still talking in her sleep,but i had tuned it out until now. "I...I love you." she said faintly.And i almost fainted. She can't be talking about me, can she? I kneeled beside her bed,her face a couple inches away from mine. " you love me?" she asked. I smiled.Not being able to hear the answer she dreamt of, i leaned over and kissed her forehead. "Ya." i said. "I really do."

That night i couldn't sleep. I turned on a light in my room and sat on my bed,staring at the phone. I love you.I love you.I love you.I love you. Lia's voice was echoing in my ears since i jumped out her window.Then i thought of what i'd answered.Do i love her?I mean, do i REALLY love her? I thought of the way she made me feel.I smiled. I do.Wow.So this is what love feels like,huh? I checked the time.12:07. Obviously i knew Lia was sleeping, but i still stayed up waiting for her to call. Just as my eyes were starting to close, the phone rang.I flew across the room and picked it up before it could ring again. "Hello?" "Alex?It's Lia." I could NOT believe this. It was 12:10 and the girl of my dreams was calling me. I love you.I love you.I love yu.I love you. I kept hearing her voice in my head, making me smile.I wondered if she heard me when i told her i loved her too. Probably not.And if she did, she'd think it was a dream. We talked for a bit, and i found out she doesn't have a boyfriend,thankfully. Well, i kind of figured that out after what she said in her sleep,but i just wanted to make sure.She could of been dreaming about her boyfriend. But she wasn't. I shook my head, erasing the thought of her with anyone else.After 20 minutes, i heard one of my parents get out of bed. Shit. "I should really go to sleep," i said "it's 12:30.See you tomorrow?" "Maybe." she replied, answering with what i told her earlier that night.I laughed. I definitely love her."Goodnight Lia." "Goodnight." I jumped into bed as my mom opened the door.She saw me "sleeping" and walked quietly across the room to shut the window.

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