Chapter 7:the unexpected

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            "Mom!" i yelled,pulling a v-neck over my head."I'm going for a walk with Alex!" "Alright!Be careful!" she screamed back as i jumped around my room trying to get my skinny jeans on. Then i darted out my front door and almost ran into him.He saw me and smiled."Park?" he asked,taking a step back. "Yup." i replied,biting my lip.We walked together as it started getting cold.The sun was just starting to set as the park came into view.We sat beside eachother on a bench and continued to talk.I wondered if he realized that i was too lost in my daydreams to listen to what he was saying.I kept replaying the scene of earlier that night in my head. 'I can't believe he kissed me.He likes me, how could i of not seen it? Did he realize that i like him too?Its not really something i could ask,i gues.' I shivered.Sudenly the sun was gone and it was cold. "Are you ok?" he asked,noticing i shivered. "Uh,ya,just a little cold."i said.He smiled. "Well,i don't have a jacket but you could always sit on me,i'll keep you warm.If you want." he said that last part with a little 'you know you want to'. I couldn't help but laugh.Cause really,i wanted to.As a response,a got up and sat on his lap vertically,my arms around his neck.He wrapped his arms around me and i pulled my legs in, all scrunched up against him.He did keep me warm."Better?" he whispered sweetly. I nodded and closed my eyes.It felt amazing to be in his arms.Like nothing could ever hurt me.We stayed like that for a couple minutes,alone in our park.I felt him kiss my forehead.I slowly opened my eyes. He smiled."Lia?" he whispered,his face a second away from mine "Ya?" i whipered back,biting my lip."I love you." he smiled.I could feel myself blush."I love you too." i smiled back.I felt his arms tighten around me.The last thing i saw was his beautiful now navy eyes close,and then i was in heaven.At least,that's what it felt like.Everything started out slow and gentle.And then the next thing i knew i had turned on his lap,face to face with him,my hands on the back of his neck,playing with his hair and his hands on my hips,fingers intertwined in the belt loops of my jeans.I could tell he was itching to get them off,but i didn't let him get any ideas.I dropped my hands from his neck and tore his off my ass.I felt him smile as i relocated them.Soon they just ended up under my top. He didn't expolre much,thankfully,so his hands stayed on my hips,where they started.Exept now it was skin to skin.As for my hands,they spent most of their time in his hair.After about a good 10 minutes,my phone went off in my back pocket.Obviously he got to it first,and picked it up."Hello?" "Oh,hi Miss M." "Uh,ya,sure." i sat up straight and looked at him talk to my mom.He was truly beautiful.'And now he's all yours.Wow,he's yours and you're his.' I smiled.He ran his fingers through his toussled hair.I took a good look at what i'd done to his hair.It was everywhere,all messed up and sticking out in a couple places.It looked like he'd just woken up."Yes,of course. Alright,bye Miss M." He slid the phone back into my pocket."Mom says come home,Babydoll." he explained.I stared at him,his toussled hair and crumpled shirt from having me all over it.He looked really sexy.I smiled for the millionth time that night."Or," i started "I could just come home with you." i teased,slipping my hands under his shirt like he'd done earlier that night. He had abs, i knew from the first day i met him,but feeling them and being pressed against him all night,well, let's just say i really didn't want to wake up in my own room tomorrow morning.He smiled and kissed me."Or,you could come over for a bit,but if you stay the night i have a feeling my parents are going to have a heart attack when they wake me up tomorrow." he joked. "Sounds good." i replied,getting up and off his lap.It felt wierd to stand,it was like we'd been there forever.We started walking,and i felt Alex grab my hand."I still love you." he said. I looked into his pure,now silvery blue eyes. "I always will." We got to his house,and walked into his room,still holding hands.I'm pretty sure his parents noticed,i saw them smile.

He closed the door behind him and i sat on his bed.He sat beside me."So,we're like officially together,right?" i checked. "Only if you want." he said. "Of course i want." "Good,because i want you.I've wanted you since the first day i met you." I blushed.He took my hand and played with my fingers as we talked. Around 11:30 i heard a sound.He heard it too. I was in his bed,surrounded by pillows as he took his knife off his nightstand and slowly opened the door,checking the hall.I saw a figure through the crack.Alex turned around to look at me.He mouthed the words'DON'T MOVE'.I wasn't going to let him go out there and get hurt.'NO.I'M COMING.' i mouthed back,getting out of bed.I grabbed the phone off the floor and got behind him. We opened the door and i prayed we wouldn't get hurt. Alex led the way,slowly walking throughout the house. He stepped into his parent's room and opened the light.I gasped and staggered backwards,a scream escaping my throught. His parents were in their beds,throats slit wide open,obviously killed while the poor couple had been dreaming.I looked a Alex,about to comfort him when i saw a man beside the widow,a bloody knife in his hand."You bitch." i hissed,my heart pounding.The man took a step forward,buh Alex was already attacking him.I fell to the floor and cried,watching my boyfriend have a knife fight with a murder right in front of me.I didn't know what else to do. I screamed whenever i saw the man's knife draw blood.Alex was still alive,though.He had sliced the man across the cheek, leaving a gauge.He also did so across his arm,torso,and shoulder blade. I didn't dare look at Alex's wounds.I crawled towards the night table by his dead parents and grabbed the phone. "hello?" i sobbed. " there's a murderer,he's fighting my boyfriend.Please help!!" i saw something fly by my face,and then my cheek stung.I dropped the phone and wiped my cheek.Blood was all over my hand.I stood up and picked up the knife the man had thrown at me."YOU FUCKING BASTARD." i fumed. Alex turned around and saw me.He winked,then turned back to the man, punching him in the face.That's when i realized i was holding Alex's knife. He must've gotten it taken away. Panicked,i whipped the knife across the room,hitting the man directly in the shoulder. He fell backwards.Alex ran to me."Alex!!Who is that?!?" i yelled,crying again.Alex had a huge cut beside his eye.I held him close and sobbed.I pulled away soon after,noticing he had a ginormouse,bloody cut on his side."Oh my god!" i gasped. He held my face in his hands and wiped away my tears."Don't worry,i'm fine." he promised,kissing my nose lovingly. We turned around, finally remembering the murderer in the room.I saw Alex fall to the floor.I looked down and saw him on the floor,a knife shoved into his chest.I tried to scream,but nothing came out.

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