Chapter 2: A new begining

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It was a boy, maybe a year older than me, dark hair and eyelashes, a clean-cut figure, but a little badass in the way he stood. He was extremely good looking, with his six-pack abs and an aura of trouble. But the most breathtaking thing about him was his eyes. You could have painted his portrait completely in black and white, but his eyes.......they were an unexplainable blue. Like the sea just before the sun set.There was a spark of surprise in them, but as he blinked, it was gone. Now they stared at me with a hint of boredom, as if girls always showed up at his door with cakes."Is that for me?" he asked, and i couldn't help but notice the hint of silver intertwined with the gorgeouse blue in his eyes."Um...I-I,uh,ya,its,um.." i stuttered.He grinned, like it amused him to see me drool over him. It didn't help that he was topless.Suddenly, my knees started feeling weak. Like he could sense it, the boy reached over and took the cake from my hands."Thanks." he said without looking at the cake.I forced myself to smile without blushing. "I'm Lia." i said."Alex." he said, smiling back.He had perfectly straight, white teeth. I was soo jealouse."So, is there any specific reason you came here, or did you just want to drool all over my porch?" he asked, getting back to his 'wat do you want from me' attitude. I blushed and wiped my mouth.It was dry. Embarassed, i tried to pretend those last few seconds didn't happen. Alex laughed. It was a nice sound that made my heart beat faster, yet it sent shivers up my spine. "I was kidding." he said, "You're  easy to fool, you know that?" I thought of what my mom said, You two could be friends, you know, hang out this summer. "Um, you feel like going for  a walk?" i asked. He seemed unwilling, but agreed. "Sure, just let me put on a shirt, i don't want you to flood the city with your drool." he said, grinning. I shot him my best 'Shut up!' face, and he went inside. As soon as he was through the door, i whipped out my phone and called home. As always, no one answered, so i left a message. "Hey mom, it's Lia, i just wanted to say that i brought the neighbours the cake, and me and their son Alex are gonna go for a walk, okay?"I felt stupid asking for permission when i knew they couldn't really answer, but it made me seem like a better daughter. Just then, Alex walked out of the house wearing  a white, v-neck t-shirt and a pair of loose-fitting jeans that sat nicely under his hips.They suited him. You could see the band of his boxers. I tried not to stare "So, where to?" he asked, putting his hands into his back pockets. "I was thinking of this park in montreal, so we need to take the bus first." i explained." Yes boss."

      We sat in silence in the back of the bus for a few minutes. "Say something, you're too quiet." he said, searching my eyes.A couple girls our age got onto the bus and sat a few seats away from us. Alex completely ignored them, even though they were giggling loudly. At first i thought they were laughing at me, but then i realized they were checking out Alex. Of course. "Those girls find you hot." i said without expression. He looked at them and winked. The girls bursted into hysterical giggles. "Of course they do," he said, "I mean, look at me." he added, smiling teasingly at me.I flushed a dark red as he turned to play with the girls. His eyes were beaming. He must love playing with girls like that. I sighed, and he looked at me from the corner of his eye. I ignored him.How dare he? If he thinks i'm jealouse, he has another thing coming, i mean, look at those girls, they're pathetic, gawking at him like that. I found myself grabbing his wrist and dragging him out the bus.

        Jealouse?" he asked. There was a smirk on his face that made me want to slap him."No!" i snapped. "Why would i be?"Before he could comment, I started walking down the street. "The park's around the corner." i said without looking behind me. He caught up right away."I'm sorry." he said. "For what?" i asked.  I already knew the answer, but i doubt he did.  "For whatever i did on the bus to make you jealouse." he said, smirking. This time i did slap him. "You're so arrogant!! You know that?!?!?" i yelled, drawing attention. "I get that alot." he replied, smiling proudly.Obviously my slap left him unfazed."And i'm NOT jealouse!" i added and turned away from him. We walked in silence for a couple minutes, until the park came into view. Glad to finally be here, i started to walk faster. I spotted an open picnic table, and sat on it. Alex leaned on it. He smiled at me, turning on the charm with his angelic face.I blushed. "Stop it." i said. "What did i-" he said, eyeing something behind me. I turned to a group of a couple cute guys. One was heading towards me. Payback anyone? This time i smirked. "Do." he finished, his gorgeouse eyes turning silver.   Alex slid closer to me, protectively. I tried to ignore it."Hey." said the light brown haired boy.He also had light blue eyes.Not even close to Alex, but cute enough to make him jealouse. "Hey." i said, smiling. The boy eyed Alex. Alex stared back , his silver eyes flaring. I noticed the boy stepped back a little. He nodded towards Alex;a way of saying 'sup'. Alex made no effort to nod back.

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