Chapter 3: Something Beautiful

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hey guys! as you can see, i typed my story a different way this time, so it looks better :P hopefully it'll make yu wanna read it more now :3 thanks to the people who read my last two chapters even though they were screwed up. I'll fix them a.s.a.p. <3

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There was an awkward silence that hung in the air. I could feel Alex, only half a centimeter behind me, tense.Then the boy broke the silence. "So, you wanna hang out sometime?" he asked. I hesitated. Of course I wanted Alex to believe I was really into this guy, so I picked a random piece of paper i had in my pocket out and scribbled a number onto it. "Here," i said, handing him the paper." Call me." i smiled flirtaciously as the boy thanked me, winked, and disapeared back into his group. "Who was that?" asked Alex, staring in the direction the boy left. "I don't know." i answered. "So, you just gave a random guy your number?" he asked,every word dripping with jeaousy. I smirked. "Jealous?" He stared at me, examining my face. "Do you do that all the time?" he asked, ignoring my last question."Who cares?" was my reply. Doesn't feel so good to have someone else give you the ' i don't care' attitude,huh? Then i started walking back in the direction we came.

We were halfway to the bus stop, and Alex didn't say a word. He looked like the life and joy had been sucked out of him."You don't give me much credit, do you?" i asked, and stopped walking. So did he. "What?" he asked, looking genuinely confused. "That was a fake number. I'm not as stupid as i look." i said, smiling. Alex smiled back, bringing the life back into him. "Nice one." he said, and winked. That's my Alex. I smiled. Wait, MY Alex? Oh god, don't tell me I'm falling for him. Please, please god, no.He'd never like me back, it's a heartbreak just waiting to happen.

We ended up walking home, and it was really nice. Turns out, Alex's annoying, player side has an off switch, and his sweet, funny side has an on switch. Wich, isn't really good for me, 'cause i'm TOTALLY falling for him. I mean, we walked for at least 2 hours together, and it was really nice. I felt like I've known him forever. When he walked me to my front door, i was sad the night had to end. Surprisingly, I could see a hint of sadness in his eyes, too. "Well, that was surprisingly fun." he said. "We should do it again sometime." i replied, before i could realize that was a bad idea.I really didn't want to hear the answer to that. "Maybe." he said. My heart sank. Of course he doesn't want to hang out again, what was i thinking? "Kay, so i'll see you soon.Maybe." i said, knowing i would never see him again.Well, besides when i drive past his house or something, but that doesn't really count. The sun was starting to set. It made Alex's eyes gold. He put his hands into his pockets and i bit my lip. Why didn't he leave yet? Just then i realized a thin, silver chain around his neck. It was partially hidden by his shirt, but looked bare. Very italian. I wondered if he was Italian. I am. I found myself fantisizing about moving to Italy with him, and how sexy he'd sound speaking Italian.I snapped myselft out of it. He doesn't even want to hang out with me again,you think he wants to go to Italy with me?!? "Ya." he said, after what felt like an eternity of silence. I watched him walk home from my porch. There was something so dreamy about him, like the way his eyes changed color all the time, how he never really made a sound when he walked, and the way he always seems to be trying to figure me out, that made it hard for me to know if he was even real. Maybe I never even woke up this morning. I could still be dreaming. A dream. That made sense. After all, it wasn't hard to look at Alex and think he isn't real. Only one way to find out. I closed my front door and went inside,straight to bed. 

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We stood there in silence. I was standing behind Lia, mentally daring the boy to try something. What happened to guy code? After what felt like hours of daydreaming of beating the crap outta this guy, with several weapons, the boy spoke.To her, of course, since he must of decided that she was out of my league, therefor available. I can't blame him, she is out of my league. WAY out. It was hard to understand why she was even at the park with me. Once i got back to what was going on between Lia and this boy, she was giving him a piece of paper with a number on it, obviously hers, and smiling her beautiful smile. Although, there was something different about that smile, as if it was sorta, forced.She'll crack any minute. She can't pretend to like this guy forever. "Jealous?" she asked, grinning, when i questioned her about the boy.I have to admit, i was, only a little though. I studied her face. She was better at this than expected.Maybe she had experience."Do you do that all the time?" i asked, avoiding her previous question. "Who cares?" she answered, her eyes longing for an answer. I do.i wanted to say, but i knew i couldn't. Then she told me she gave him a fake number. That's when i knew she was my kind of girl. She said it so proudly, as if it were an honor that i didn't know she faked the whole "Call me." thing. I was impressed."Nice one." i told her, smiling. She smiled back, happy that i approved.

We walked home, and got there right before the sun set.She looked unreal in that light. The sun casted shadows on her face in all he right places, making her look so fragile and innoncent.Every time i looked at her i discovered something to amaze me. I didn't realize my heart chang tempo.It was beating quickly, as it always did when i got lost in her."-We should do it again sometime." she said. "Maybe." i said, wishing i could leave before i said something stupid. "Kay, so,i'll see you soon.Maybe."answered Lia. Then she was gone. Not physically, since we were on her porch, but i could tell she was daydreaming. She smiled dreamily and stared deeply into my eyes. She always did that,unintentionally, i guessed. She'd stare into my eyes pationatelly, smiling stupidly every once in a while. I never disturbed her, it was preciouse how serine she was when she did this. Plus, i like having her look at me with such love.The sun had set. She woke from her daydream and, as much as i didn't want to, i decided to leave, knowing my mom would ground me forever if i didn't get home soon.I searched my mind for a quick goodbye, but ended up blurting out: "Ya." and walking home as i felt her eyes on me.I'd bet anything she was daydreaming. I fell asleep wondering if it could of been about me. 

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Hey guys! sorry this chapter was so short, but no one's commenting on my story so i don't even know if you guys want me to write anymore. I'll fan the first 15 to comment, sound good? :) thanks guys <3

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