Chapter 5:Best Friends

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P.S: #SPOILER ALERT! you'll find out what the "horrible accident" is in chapter 7,in case you were wondering :P it's not all love and happiness in this book,if that's what you think, so enjoy it while it lasts.

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Summer passed by so fast. Alex and i had become best friends,but i still loved him. Every night possible,he'd call me and we'd go for a walk or to a park or something along those lines.Maybe twice a month we'd do something special together,like last month when we had a car wash. He wore a white v-neck and purple swimming shorts.We spent the whole day before making posters and pinning them up all over the city.Alex did most of the poster-making though.

I layed down on the floor of my living room and started drawing a car on one of the posters.Alex laughed at my drawing. "Is that seriously how you draw a car?" he asked between breaths. I rolled my eyes."Like you could do better." "Wanna bet?" Me and Alex bet alot.It kinda became one of our things."Duh." i answered,sticking my hand out.He shook it,we bumped fists twice,hit the back of eachother's hands and then pinkie sweared.I laughed. I loved how close we had gotten.He smiled at me,still holding my pinkie."Alright Babydoll," he started.Babydoll was his nickname for me,since i was shorter than him and he always carried me around like a rag doll.I adored it. Whenever he called me that in public,all the girls glared at me,thinking he was taken.'I wish.Actually,now that i think about it,i haven't seen him flirt with any girls,he's always too busy with me to notice them.I haven't noticed any other boys either."You're about to lose a bet." he finished. I watched him draw in amazement.He was an amazing artist."Wow." i whispered. "You never told me you could draw like that." i told him. "There's alot of things you don't know about me." he said,smiling.

The car wash was a big success.We made 127$ and split it. I wasn't even thinking of money while i was working with Alex.We spent the whole day spraying echother with the hoses and goofing off.

We were finally dry when i decided it would be the perfect chance to drench him. He was on the other side of the red Toyota we were washing.I grabbed the bucket beside me and snuck around the car. He didn't see it coming."HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" i laughed. Alex laughed and raised an eyebrow,opening his arms."Don't you dare,Cena." i warned.That was my nickname for him.Cena.Cause he works out alot and stuff so i named him after the only wrestler i knew.John Cena.Plus he has a super-hot bod,like a real wrestler.I yelled and started running away.Of course i didn't get far before i felt him grab my wrist."Aw,come on! I just dried!" i begged. Alex just laughed at me and hugged me tightly as i tried to pry myself out of his arms. "Quit it!" i said,laughing. Obviously i was enjoying being in his arms,even if it was just to get me annoyed.He held my waist and threw me over his shoulder.I kicked and hit his back."Put me down!!" after a couple seconds i gave up,dying of laughter.He brought me back into the front of the house where the Toyota was waiting. He dropped me on the soft grass beside it and layed down beside me. We were both still laughing when he said "I hate you Babydoll." i hit him. "Not possible Cena." His hair was an even darker black when wet,falling right on top of his eyes,framing them. I smiled,moving the hair to the side. "I love your hair." i told him. "Don't ever cut it." he laughed. "Ya, i doubt you're gonna love it when its longer than yours,genious." Then we got up and finished cleaning the car.

Then there was his birthday.August 12.He was turning 16 and was going to be 2 years older than me now.Only for a couple months though.

I knocked on his door at 6. His mom answered. "Hi,i'm here to surprise Alex for his birthday,mind if i come in?" i asked her. She smiled."Of course,Lia.He'll be glad to see you." I smiled and went upstairs to his room.I've been here enough times to know the way on my own.As always,his door was closed.I took a breath and grabbed the handle.Just as Julia ran up to me and clutched my leg."BABYDOLL!" she screetched. I laughed,shushing her.Julia was his 2 year old sister.She was adorable.She never really learned my name,so she called me babydoll."Hi Julia." i said. "Wanna help me surprise your brother?" she nodded. "Okay, open the door and we're going to go attack him,kay?" she smiled,clapping her hands. She did as told and ran into his room laughing. He was sitting on his bed listening to his iPod.We jumped onto his bed and Julia hugged him.Alex smiled and hugged Julia back."Happy birthday!" i yelled,handing him the boxing game i saved up to buy him.He's wanted it for weeks now. He looked at it,detaching Julia from his neck."You didn't." he said. "Actually, i did." i answered,smiling. He smiled back and hugged me.It surprised me,but i hugged him back."Thanks Babydoll." he said,still hugging me.My heart was beating so fast i could of sworn he felt it,so i let go and said "Well,what are you waiting for?I've been waiting to kick your ass at this game since i got it for you." We got rid of Julia and popped the game into his PS3.What a guy. I looked around his room.A punching bag in the corner, clothes all over the room,the smell of Axe and sweat and his,illegal,switch blade sitting on his night table,where his sister could obviously get it. I smiled.You don't get any more Alex than this. We played all night and i left at 11. "Bye Cena.Happy birthday." i said. "Ciao Babydoll.See you tomorrow."

He didn't call me that night,but we had already spent the whole day at his house,so i obviously forgave him. Plus,i fell asleep and dreamt of him the second my head hit my pillow.

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Summer was over.I really didn't want it to be,though. Lia and i became really close.I still loved her though.And her voice still echoed in my head from that night.I love you.I love you.I love you.I love you.I hoped she still did.We had an amazing summer together,always going for walks or to the park.A couple times a month we'd do something special,though. Like the day we had a car wash. We spent the day before making posters and putting them up around town.The real fun was the actual car wash though.

We spent the most of our day fooling around and drenching eachother.She wore a white tank top and jean shorts.We were washing a red Toyota when she decided to get revenge once we were finally dry.I heard someone behind me.When i turned around a wave of water hit me.I started laughing. I am so gonna get her back.I opened my arms wide,planning on hugging her until she was as wet as me.Or, at least a little drenched. "Don't you dare,Cena." she warned. That was what she called me.It was the only wrestler she knew,and to her boxing and wrestling were the same thing. It was cute. Whenever we went out together and called eachother by our nicknames,everyone looked at us like we were dating.Like this one time when we went out for ice cream after she won a bet.

We bet that i could tie a knot in a cherry stem before her,but we ended up doing it at the same time."In your face!" she yelled.I laughed.I didn't want to make a big thing about it,so i agreed that she was 1/7 of a second faster than me and we went out.Since i lost,i had to pay.This group of about 4 girls were in the shop giggling and staring at me.They must of figured i wasn't with Lia since we didn't hold hands or anything like that."So what do you want Babydoll?" i asked her. That's when they all stared daggers at her. I just smiled to myself.Babydoll.It suited her,she was as beautiful as a doll and i always carried her around everywhere.Plus,she was shorter than me."Cookie dough." she answered,smiling. "Two cookie dough ice creams please." i said. We started walking home and within 5 minutes she started walking slower."Hey." i said,pushing her forward " Keep up,will you?" she licked her ice cream,stopping. "Carry me?Please?"she asked. I sighed,giving in to her innoncent green eyes. "Hold my ice cream." i told her.She smiled and took it. I bent down and she jumped onto my back,wrapping her legs around me.I held her arm around my neck and my ice cream with my free hand. "Thanks Cena." she said,playing with my hair when she finished her ice cream.You're lucky i love you. I smiled as she ran her fingres through my hair.She was always telling me how much she loved my hair,and was constantly touching it. After 10 minutes she stopped talking mid-sentence.I felt her head drop onto my shoulder and both her hands loosly around my neck.I love you.I love you.I love you.I love you.i smiled,remembering the night i snuck into her room and heard her talk in her sleep. When i got to her house her mom opened the door and let me tuck her in.I gently put her down in her bed and covered her with a blanket.Sure she was asleep,i moved the hair from her face and kissed her forehead."Goodnight." i whispered. I was closing her door when i heard her say "Goodnight Alex." i spent that night wondering how much of that she'd been awake for.

Looking back, i can't imagine what my summer would be like if i hadn't went for a walk with Lia that day she stood on my porch with a spongecake.Once,after i hadn't seen her for a week because i was at a boxing tournament, i showed up at her door with a sponge cake.

I rang her doorbell and waited.She opened the door,wearing a pink v-neck and white shorts.I don't think i'd ever seen her in a v-neck.She looked...chestier.I tried not to look.Instead i concentrated on her face, and how it lit up when she saw me."Alex!" she sighed,smiling. "Hi,i,uh,i'm Alex.I brought this for you." i said,immitating her shy tone from the day we met.I handed her the cake,laughing.She rolled her eyes."Yo! Don't drool all over my porch shawty." she said,on her tippy toes going all gangster. "Hey,i'm not black Babydoll." i told her.She laughed."Duh,you don't have enough swag to be black." she teased,stepping outside and closing the door behind her."Wanna walk?" i asked."Sure," she said "Just let me put on a shirt." she smiled, going back to her "immitation" of me. "Last time i checked you had one on retard." i teased. "Oh." she said,looking down. "You check?" she asked,raising an eyebrow.I felt myself blush. "Shut up and walk." i told her. She hit me and we walked.

We ended up at our park,eating the cake i brought her.She's such an amazing girl.I can't believe i'm lucky enough to wake up knowing i'm going to see her amazing smile and feel her next to me.I can't imagine what my life would be without her.

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