Prologue - The Judge

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The judge was probably not supposed to look that intimidating. Frank would like to see the article in the Constitution that declared all judicial officials were required to be that intimidating. He would also like to see the part that stated vandalism was a crime worthy of a trial, with a fucking jury and a judge with an actual gavel.

Frank hadn't been aware that gavels were still in use, or that they could make the man in front of him even more intimidating than he already was. The judge was an elderly man with wrinkles that seemed to be caused by frowns instead of smiles, who spoke in a gruff voice that seemed like a combination of a lifetime of expensive cigars and yelling to a courtroom filled with miscreants.

Frank felt awkward and under far too much scrutiny. The eyes of the entire courtroom were facing him, people who were careless about whether or not he saw them staring. After all, Frank Iero was a criminal, and apparently criminals didn't deserve to be treated like humans, at least not under the observation of the legal system or the general public.

He wasn't supposed to be sitting in the courtroom by himself. His so-called crime of graffiti underneath a decrepit New Jersey bridge had been committed with three other companions, all of whom had run, leaving Frank to face the police by himself.

The hearing was all together pointless. There was no denying that Frank Iero had used a can of neon green spray paint to write out somewhat profane messages on a gray concrete wall. Frank couldn't possibly plead innocent, but he also couldn't be punished that much for simple graffiti, especially when this was his first offense, or at least the first time he had been caught. In reality, Frank had graffitied the more desolate areas of the city many times. He had just never been caught before.

Finally, after the jury, a ragtag group of average citizens who really looked as though they'd rather be anywhere else besides that courtroom, shared their decision with the judge. Based on his scowl, Frank assumed the decision would be beneficial to him, because the irate judge would probably only display happiness if Frank's sentence was something truly horrible.

"The defendant is found guilty," the judge announced, as if there had ever been any doubt. "He is sentenced to two months of community service."

Frank sighed. Two months was a long time, and the time he spent at whatever his community service assignment ended up being would be tedious and boring, time that he could have easily spent somewhere else.

A woman in a professional looking blazer and pencil skirt marched up to Frank, a file filled with papers clutched under her arm. "Mr. Iero, I work for the county, and I'm going to need you to step into my office quickly to discuss your sentence."

He followed after the woman, whose heels clacked on the tile floors of the county courthouse. She opened a door with a frosted glass window and ushered Frank inside. He sat in the chair opposite the formal looking desk with a small plaque on it reading, "Stump."

She smiled tightly at him, and Frank smiled back weakly. "Mr. Iero, you're assigned to be an assistant teacher at the Belleville Elementary School," she stated in a rushed tone.

"Teacher?" Frank exclaimed. He was not going to be a teacher, he had no qualifications and he was essentially a criminal, they wouldn't trust him with children.

He shuddered just thinking of children; tiny, undeveloped humans with dirty little fingers and squeaky little voices, who didn't like to brush their hair and chewed with their mouths open. And as Frank considered the prospect of children, he came to the realization that there was no way he could possibly volunteer at an elementary school when he couldn't stand children.

But the woman - Stump - stared calmly at Frank, who realized that due to his burst of emotions, he was standing and sat down sheepishly. "Yes, teacher. Because you're such a minor criminal, we believe that the experience of co-teaching a kindergarten class would deter you from further crime."

Frank held onto only one word that left the woman's mouth. "Kindergarten," he whispered in horror. Kindergarteners were the worst, short and whiny and rather too much like Frank himself.

She simply smiled, "Mr. Iero, you seem like a nice enough man who's simply on the wrong path. I really think this could be a life-changing experience for you. And," she added, narrowing her eyes, "my son is in that class, and the teacher, Ms. Way, is wonderful. The students love her."

Frank nodded, but internally decided that anyone who was loved by their kindergarten students would never be able to get along with Frank Iero.

He was close to realizing how wrong he was.

A/N: yes, this is the replacement for An Abundance Of Gay Emos. Yes, this does feature all of the band members as kindergarten students. Yes, Gerard is transgender and will be referred to as she/her. Yes, I am very excited for this. Hopefully, it turns out as adorable as I want it too.

-Rachel <3

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