12-Sic Semper Tyrannis

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Jamia called Frank in the middle of the night, waking him up with an overexcited squeal. Frank wasn't sure how the perky teacher had even gotten his number, but she had called him regardless, bad timing and all.

"Jamia?" Frank croaked, rubbing his eyes to brush the sleep away. It had been a little over a week since Hurricane Susan had struck, wrecking the happy home that had been Gee Way's classroom and leaving Frank, Jamia, and Lindsey to form a support system to repair the damages and prevent more from crumbling down onto the frazzled and amazing teacher.

While Lindsey technically ran the school, Susan had the ability to sway the opinion of the parents and had even attempted appeals to the school board. And there was little the teachers could do to stop her, not at least while she was still PTA president.

Thus, Jamia had begun scheming.

And if there was one thing Jamia Nestor did best, it was scheme.

She was like a mad scientist super-villain, filling her classroom chalkboard with blueprints and drawings and sketches of far fetched plots to overthrow the dictator that was Susan Stump. Her classroom's curriculum had changed - her students were now learning of democracy and revolution as well as the tolerant and accepting course Gee had been given.

A couple of days ago, Frank had been assigned recess duty, and he had watched as Brendon had climbed to the highest part of the playground and declared himself king.

His reign was short lived, as Jamia's students, led by the feisty Lyndsey Gunnulfsen, charged the playground, screaming phrases such as "Viva la Revolution," and "Sic semper tyrannis," which was actually very intimidating despite their small stature. Frank couldn't help but worry that Jamia was creating an army of kindergarteners and maybe was actually a super villain.

The atmosphere in the school had become tense, as even the younger students had become aware that something was brewing. Mikey had been rallying his fellow fifth graders to support his older sister, although ten year olds probably couldn't do much to help except recruit their parents.

Overall, the mobilization of elementary schoolers was as inspirational as it was intimidating, as hopeful as it was terrifying.

Frank found himself, for the first time in his life, respecting and admiring children.

"Frank," Jamia gushed, clearly excited and also irritatingly wide awake. "I've got the greatest idea."

Frank sighed, already knowing it would probably be something stupid and he'd have to shut it down and then he'd feel bad because Jamia was almost as good as the kindergarteners she taught at guilt-tripping people who shut her down.

"Okay, go," he said, mentally preparing himself for a ridiculously bad idea. The last time she had called him in the dead of night, she had suggested framing Susan Stump for tax fraud, thus removing her credibility as a leader of the PTA. And while it didn't sound totally insane, as an idea, it all descended when she began talking about how they would actually achieve this tax fraud set up.

"So, I'm with Lindsey now, and - oh!" Jamia moaned and Frank cringed because when she said she was with Lindsey, apparently she was really with Lindsey.

The two were basically dating now, although their relationship had to be relatively secretive because they had to act professional and school appropriate in their workplace. Frank had caught them making out in Lindsey's office, the teacher's lounge, even a supply closet one unfortunate time, as if they were a pair of horny high schoolers and not two professional women in their mid thirties.

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