5-Frank Gets Pranked

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The children after recess seemed more subdued. Clearly, running around outside had used up most of the energy contained in their small bodies, leaving the kindergarteners in quiet observance, wide eyes following Ms. Way meekly.

Ms. Way taught the group of kids sitting on the rug peacefully, occasionally glancing at Frank with a wry smile. She had given the kids an array of small multicolored cubes that they were using to practice counting and adding. The children were all content in participating quietly; even Pete and Brendon were quiet for once.

The one problem manifested itself in the form of Tyler, who was unlike the other children in his inability to sit still. He would stand up but quickly return to his place on the rug when scolded by Ms. Way. He would get distracted and end up building a tower with his blocks instead of counting them. And Ms. Way, despite being unbelievably kind and gentle, was running out of patience.

Her final straw was when the small boy took to tapping out a beat on his stomach, humming to himself and swaying. "Tyler," she said, "Please, you're disrupting the lesson. If you can't sit still, then go out into the hallway with Mr. Frank."

Frank's eyes widened at his sudden relevance in the conversation. He looked uncertainly to Gee, who smiled reassuringly in response. Fueled by the radiance of her smile, he stood up. Frank walked out of the classroom with Tyler following behind.

Once outside the classroom, Frank sat against the row of lockers. Tyler looked at Frank nervously and Frank gestured for the boy to sit beside him. Tyler complied, his hands still shaking slightly from his energy rush. "So," Frank began uncertainly, "Do you want to tell me what's up?"

Tyler giggled a bit. "I just feel hyper."

Frank raised an eyebrow. "So what did you do today?"

"I went to school and then I went to lunch and Josh had some candy, and I had a cookie in my lunch already, but Josh gave me some of his candy which was really nice. Josh is my best friend. And then, we played at recess. I made a sand castle."

"Of course, a sugar rush," Frank observed. "Listen, Tyler, you sit right here and I'll get you a glass of water. We can talk about whatever you want when I come back." The little boy nodded before being distracted by a sticker adhered to the floor which he attempted to peel off with his stubby fingers.

Frank walked back into the classroom and towards Gee, who asked in a confidential tone, "So what is the issue?"

"Sugar rush," Frank responded, and Gee's eyes widened.

"Oh... That makes a lot of sense." She glanced toward the class, who were frowning in response to the whispers of the adults. "What are you planning to do?"

"Get him some water and then probably talk to him until it wears off." Gee nodded and Frank found a cup, filled it with water, and returned to the hallway. Much to Frank's horror, Tyler was upside down in a handstand, leaning against the lockers.

"Tyler?" Frank asked hesitantly. "Do you want to...not be upside down?"

With a giggle, Tyler let himself down and held out his hands for the cup of water. He took a sip and stared at Frank. "Pete says you're a...a murderer." He struggled on the large word.

Frank sat next to Tyler. "Why does Pete say that?"

"Well, Patrick said his mom knows you." Frank could remember a Mrs. Stump working in the county courthouse telling him that her child was in Ms. Way's class. "She said you're teaching here because you did something bad and this is your punishment." Tyler paused and looked toward Frank, who nodded in confirmation. "Pete thinks that you killed somebody."

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