7-Mikey And Frank Are Cute Nerds

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It was now Frank's second day of forced volunteer slave labor with the kindergarteners who were destined to drive the poor man to insanity. This time, though, he knew he would get through the day, if only through the opportunity he had been granted to see Gee again. Sure, he had been rejected, and sure, they didn't have anything necessarily official, but that didn't change the fact that she was glorious and beautiful and Frank was grateful just to spend time with her.

He had much less trouble finding Room 93, although he still couldn't help but pause in front of Room 420 in the hopes of catching a glimpse of its legendary teacher. As he squinted through the narrow window on the door, he heard a voice from behind him. "Are you lost again? This school isn't that hard to navigate."

Jamia smiled at him, her crisp white button down tucked into her black pencil skirt. She smoothed down her skirt absentmindedly and pursed her lips. Frank smiled back at the woman, who was shorter than him, which meant she had to be like four feet tall. "No, not lost. Just curious."

Jamia nodded eagerly and extended an arm, which she linked with Frank's. "Do you mind if I walk with you to Gee's classroom?" Frank shook his head and began to walk further into the school. He was a little uncertain as to why Jamia's arm was entwined with his, but he couldn't bring himself to care. "So, how was your first day?" she asked after an initial awkward pause.

"Good," Frank answered, wondering if she knew about him and Gee. This seemed like a setting where gossip was treasured and spread quickly. "The kids weren't as bad as I was expecting."

She laughed, an airy tinkling that echoed through the mostly empty hallways. "And how was Gee?" Based on her tone, Frank instantly deduced that she knew, and she knew everything. Frank glanced at her face, which was all smug and smirking. "It's good that she's finally found someone, she's been lonely for a little."

"We're not dating," Frank said immediately, feeling childish even as he said it.

Jamia frowned. "Why not? She's cute, you're cute, it works."

"I asked and she said no," Frank admitted, and Jamia gasped.

"She did not! I am talking to her right now, this ship will sail, goddamnit. Wait out here." She gestured to the hallway and rushed into Gee's classroom with wide eyes.

Frank sighed and leaned against the lockers that lined the wall. Maybe Jamia would be able to get Gee to say yes. All Frank wanted was to date Gee, as ridiculous and pathetic and lovestruck as it seemed.

The sharp clacking of heels against the tile floor foreshadowed Lindsey's arrival, her hair immaculate and her vibrant red lipstick the only nonconformity in her otherwise professional appearance. "Mr. Iero," she said, raising an eyebrow. "You've made quite an impression on Ms. Way."

"Jesus Christ," Frank exclaimed, throwing up his hands to cover his face in exasperation. "How does everyone know?"

"You went on a lunch date with her, that's the first clue. You left covered in pink sparkly tattoos. And you both have that look, you know?" Lindsey's red painted lips stretched into a grin. "Has Jamia talked to you?"

Frank sighed. "Yes. And she's talking to Gee right now."

"Now Frank," Lindsey said warningly, "This is an educational environment. Please keep all of your actions school-appropriate." She chuckled as Frank's face turned bright red before turning on her heel and clacking back through the hall to her office.

Frank stood on his toes to peer through the glass window on the door, where he could see Jamia babbling to a generally distracted looking Gee, who would occasionally turn around to roll her eyes. He considered knocking and saving Gee from the clearly irritating conversation she was being forced into, but he decided against it because Jamia was supposedly on his side and he didn't want to alienate her.

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