Days of Shop had passed, and Tyler continued to skip Shop class.
I see Bambi every once in a while but it wasn't like we talked or anything.
I keep getting zeros in my gradebook for tyler, my partners absences was starting to take a toll on my grades.
Every day it just felt so unfair to me, i had never had the feeling of being on the verge of tears, but now that it came to it, i actually felt like i could break down, right then and there in shop.
I walked to lunch and strayed in the hallways, taking in the time to see all the amazing art drawings the students here made.
I was just giving then all a side glance when one familar painting caught my eye. It was being hung up but a lower grade student.
"Hey, that's my Moped." I pointed to the painting. It was my red moped with the black seat, and a rider on the seat of it. "Did you draw this?" I asked.
"No ma'am." The boy said.
"Well, who did?" I asked, i knew the awnser, and i could feel anger bubbling up in me.
"It was by a student named, Tyler-" I looked at the little boy incredulously.
I stopped the boy, dismissing him with a wave of my hand. Rude i know. But i needed to process this. It couldn't be a crush. The last time a boy had a crush on my was 3 years ago and when he tried to hold my hand I punched him square in the nose.
Is Tyler serious?
Avoid me almost for a month now and then draw a picture of my ride. Real smooth.
I turned around and someone ran right into me.
I let out a startled "oooff." And looked up to see a guy before me. I pulled my bag strap over my shoulder more securely.
"Oh geez I'm so sorry Cassie. I didn't see you there."
"Yeah I get that alot."
"That's a beautiful painting." He said pointing to the moped.
"I didn't make it."
"But it's your Moped?"
"Yeah," I gazed at the other pictures. Most of them were eapealing to the eye i guess, throwing fire playing with water growing plants etc.
"This months category was powers." He said.
I forgotten he was still there.
"Oh you're in art?" I asked.
"No I write for the school newspaper."
"Oh," I said, "How do I know you?" I asked abruptly.
"I have chemistry with you." He said plainly.
I swear if I were alone my jaw would have dropped. "Oh I'm so sorry."
"It's ok, the names Jace by the way." Suddenly I remembered him. Jace is one of those people that you see but don't really see. The kind of person no one paid attention to.
"I'll make a mental note of that..." I said. After a few moments of looking at the posters I added, "if you could have one power what would you want?"
"I would have said invisibility but it seems I already have that power."
I felt my heart break.
"Jace I-" the bell rang signaling late. We were at lunch so it didn't matter but other grades filled into the halls putting more distance between me and Jace.
"It's no big deal." He said he picked a paper that had slipped from his binder and turned around and left.
Beauty and the Blog
Подростковая литератураAnd at last here we are, the last stop until College. High School. The best 4 years of your life, we were once told. But the reality of it, is Highschool sucks. Thats how you learn to spend it with the people who don’t. But never in a million dream...