Chapter 1- Comfort in Hell

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Chapter One – Comfort in Hell

I am Freak Boy. I am five.

My name is Harry Potter. I am six.

My name is Harrison James Evans Potter. I am seven.

I often wonder if I will live or if I will die here in this small cupboard with only the darkness to keep me company.

Petunia saddened as she gazed at the back wall of the cupboard under the stairs that was the room of her beloved nephew, one 'Harry' James Potter. She turned her gaze from the childish writing to her sleeping Harry. He was a small child. In one day he will be 11 yet he looks like he was 8. Petunia blamed her abusive husband. He hated Harry. She did what she could but it wasn't enough, not while she was also a prisoner here in this house. She tried to leave with Harry once but Vernon found them a week later. He almost killed Harry that day with the beating he delt out in punishment for leving him. She, herself, was beaten until she could do nothing but lay on the floor in agony. After that he threatened to kill Harry if she stepped out of line or left again. What happened to her loving husband? The man who would surprise her with gifts when he got back from business trips or on anniversaries? He used to show that he loved her, now, now she isn't sure if he ever did.

Petunia pulled herself from her musings. She gently woke her nephew by running her fingers through his black shoulder length hair. She smiled sadly as his eyes fluttered open at the touch. His emerald eyes, the same color as the killing curse Lily once told her in a letter, slowly cleared of sleep. He gave a hesitant smile as Petunia gently pulled him out of the small 'room' into her arms for a hug she desperately wanted to give him yesterday when Vernon kicked him in the stomach and sent him to the cupboard for another night of no food.

"Aunt Petunia?" Harry's voice was soft but smooth. It always reminded her of the dark chocolate that he loved to eat when she could get him some.

"Vernon is gone for the next three days for a business trip and Dudley is at friends this weekend. He won't be back until Monday after school. Let's spend the day in London shall we love?" Petunia smiled as his eyes brightened. Oh how she wished she could see them alight like that all the time.

"Can we eat at the Rose Café?" Harry asked as he took the bundle of clothing Petunia handed him egerly.

"Yeah, we can also go to the book store. You deserve some new ones for all your good work in school. You getting all A's again this year. After that we need to pick up Dudley's new school uniform." Petunia smiled as Harry's smile got bigger at the idea of getting new books. He was so much like her lovely baby sister, so much like his mother that at times she was sure her sister was shining through him. "Go on and get changed."

Petunia watched as her nephew ran up the stairs to the bathroom to change in to one of the few pairs of clothes that she bought and hid just for him. Tomorrow he would be 11. The thought wouldn't leave her alone. Would he get a letter like Lily did? Will she be able to hide it from her husband? Will she finally be able to get them out of this prison they called a house? So many question swarmed through her mind. Questions she didn't have any answers for. She just didnt know wht to do anymore. Neither of them could take much more of this life, it ws going to kill them.

Her thoughts were cut off as Harry ran down the stairs in a pair of black jeans and a silver shirt with a hood. It had a tribal dragon on the front, the same shade as his eyes. She watched as he put on a pair of black trainers and grab his black and emerald shoulder bag. Petunia smiled at him again as she opened the door and herded him to the small car that Vernon had gotten her to use. It had a GPS tracker in it but it was still a bit of freedom for the two of them.

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