Novu||Duet? More Like Do-Not!||

597 15 32


It's not dirty I swear


The sound of the final school bell echoed throughout the whole school campus. Everybody started to fix their belongings and readied themselves to go home. A lone girl sits behind all of the fussing around their home room. Her ears quickly heard a nearby conversation. "Hey, we should invite (y/n) to her party... I mean she's kinda cool"

"I don't know. Maybe she wouldn't agree"

"We haven't tried yet...Let's do it"

The said girl quickly stood up and almost ran towards the exit of their homeroom, but then quickly stopped by having a pulling pressure on her wrist. "Hey (y/n) you should join us at Lueni's party. Everybody's invited" the voice of the girl she overheard earlier met her ears. Yes, she heard that there was a party going in. Lueni's invited the whole classroom. And (y/n)'s the only one who's not asked to go(cause maybe she hid herself for her not to get noticed). She quickly shakes her head no. But the hand on her wrist remains.

"C'mon (y/n). A little party would hurt, right?" a voice said behind the crowd that eventually grew as they tried to pester the poor girl to go. The crowd dispersed as a familiar face stood in front of her. "N-Novu...!" she blushed as the most hottest(I'm sorry forgive me...) guy in class smiled at her. "What do you say, hmm?" he said,a waiting her answer.

"Well, if you say so...A little wouldn't hurt right" she muttered and fiddled with her hands. The silver haired male flashed her a charming grin and turned to face his classmates. "She's going" he said, as the class erupted into cheers. 'W-what am I? A celebrity all of a sudden' she though as she brushed past all the excited students to run to a clearing. She needed to calm down, her heart was going to jump out of place


"(y/n) are you serious?! You've gotten yourself invited to a party! That's not like you at all" her guardian screamed as she rubbed her forehead. When (y/n) quickly recovered. she ran straight to her house. She came bursting through the door and surprised her guardian. She explained what happened and busted out some colorful words. Earning her an ear pinch from the white haired woman.

"Well, since it's your first time. I guess it wouldn't hurt" (y/n) perked up in surprise and walked briskly to her sort-of-mom. She hugged her tightly and buried her face into her stomach. "This is why I love you" the (h/c) haired girl muttered, as she felt a hand ran through her hair.

"Hey, I won't stop you. You need to socialize. Just be back at the earliest time possible. Also don't get caught." the girl broke the embrace and patted her head. "Make a move on that Novu-guy" she blushed at the mention of her crush. "I...I need to change" (y/n) announced and ran up the stairs.

When she reached her room. she shut the door loudly from her embarrassment. She began to think about her choices. The only reason she agreed it's 'cause she can't resist an offer, if he offered it of course. The girl exhaled and began shuffling through her closet trying to find a good outfit to wear.


(y/n) knocked on a hard wood door. She looked at the window. Inside, there were neon lights flashing so bright and so fast that it can make you go blind. She turned around when she heard the door opening. It revealed a girl with silver hair. She was Lueni, the host of the said party. "(y/n)! You made it!" she exclaimed and hugged the girl. The (h/c) haired girl stood their awkwardly. She and this girl wasn't really close, like just acquaintances they never really interacted that much.

Anyways, she just let the girl have her moment before breaking the embrace. "Wanna go inside?" she asked before walked towards the door. She nodded and chased after her. (y/n) went inside, to be met by people jamming to the music.

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