Samuru||Butterfly (pt.1)

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[Will you stay by my side

Will you promise meIf I let go of your hand, you'll fly away and breakI'm scared scared scared of that]  

     The scent of fresh roses hits your nose as you walk down the steps of your house. A bouquet has been left of the steps and it looks fresh, as if someone left it a few minutes ago. A little card has been hidden between some petals of the flower catches your eye. You kneel down and inspect it a bit closer. 

     "Even if I have to wait, I'll wait. But, this is just a little something to prove something to you."

     Written in beautiful cursive, you read through the short message. You suppress a smirk and bring the flowers inside your house. "Another batch, huh?" your mother wipes her hands on her apron and takes the flowers out of your outstretched arms. "It's been a week since he's given me flowers, Ma. He's not giving up." You mutter as you stare at the deep red flowers being arranged, maybe for a centerpiece inside your dinning room.  

     Roses, a symbol of love. Always something you give to someone when you have feelings for them.

You think to the gifts you've received so far. A denim hair piece, you reached out to feel it on your hair. A rose gold ring on my middle finger, you bring down your hand and run your thumb on it. And roses, you glance over to the table with the roses in a vase. 

    "After all that he's not stopping."

     Your mother look over and sees your intense gaze on the flowers and laughs, "Maybe you should give him a chance." You shake your head, knowing the answer to the same request people have been telling you. "After I say yes, he's going to be happy," A knock on the door resonates as you pause. "Then, weeks later he's going to get bored and leave me. It always happens."

     The older woman laughs at you while walking towards the door to answer it, "Hey...sometimes you have to woman-up and tell him that you're not interested if you're that persistent in saying no."

     "I already said no!"


     "So, you got my gift?" You turn your head to lock eyes with the person asking. It's the same eyes filled with the same hope you've seen when he asked the same question the first time. "I loved them. Thank you. But," You sighed and broke eye contact. "you already know my answer."

     The boy looks down and smiles to himself. "I'll be waiting for that sweet yes off your lips." You snort at his attempt at being romantic and slapped his shoulder. "Shut up! That's so disgusting coming out of your mouth!"

     Samuru Shigami, the boy who hasn't stopped falling in love with you. He was your best friend, well, love interest now after all the things that have been happening. Honestly, if you would compare him from back then, you'd think he was playing a prank on you when he gave you his first gift and confessed to you. But since meeting Riki, Kamon and you, he's been opening himself to you. 

     A bit to much, you think and laugh. 


     Years after the whole fiasco, the awkwardness started to settle and both you slowly floated away from each other. Though after those years, you've started to miss him. The close friend you've had since the start of 7th grade. That persistence that never left your mind. The feeling of waiting for gifts.

     "I love him." You mutter out of nowhere.

    One day, you get an invitation to a class reunion and you do not reject. Just one time to see him and to finally tell your hidden feelings to him. Once there, you immediately start finding him and when you do.

     "Hey Dragon." You smile as he registers the fact that you're standing in front of him. He pales and stiffens, before smiling at you. You jump and hug him, burying your face into the crook of his neck. "Let's catch up!" Samuru suggests and leads you to the balcony.

     After spending the whole day catching up with him, the day turned into the night as you chatter on endlessly. "I can walk you home." He offers, standing up and dusts himself off. You stood by him and leaned on his shoulder, the alcohol starting to mess with your head. You grabbed his arm making him stop in his tracks. "Uh..." He looks at you, scanning you up and down making sure you're okay. "Remember when I promised you, I'd answer you when I'm ready?" You smile at him. 

     The man visibly stiffens and coughs nervously. He mouths your name, "You're drunk." A smile paints your cherry red lips, "I am. A little bit. But, I've been thinking about it since I've left," You brush a lock of hair behind you ear and looked away from him, flustered. "And I think I love you!" 

     You look up and the smile was immediately gone. He grabs your hand and drags you out of the room and out to the balcony. He looked so sad and angry at the same time. "Breathe in and out. Tell me if you're sober." You do as he says and it takes  a moment before you could register that both of your faces are an inch away from each other. You look down at his lips. He's got his lower lip trapped between his teeth, but there shaking. You close the distance between the two of you.

     Both of you closed your eyes. It felt so right. Those years of being apart legitimately almost made you insane. Why didn't you say yes in the first place? These lips, that cohesion. This love it.

     Before you knew it, Samuru pushed you away. He's shaking like a leaf at this point. "No." He mutters, as the crowd growing behind you sighs in disappointment. "What do you mean no? I answered you! Yes! I love you Samuru!" You catch Riki and Kamon's gaze at you two, and they were not happy. 

     "No. No! This shouldn't have happened!" He yells at you. The crowd immediately goes quiet. "Wha-?"

     "I've gotten over it!" The denim man paces around and mutters to himself. "I've gotten over you!" He points to you and he had tears in his eyes. "And to think I'm getting married tomorrow." You couldn't feel anything after he's uttered that sentence. Married, you repeat. "You-" Running to him you threw your fist at him out of pure anger and frustration. 

    "YOU PROMISED ME!" You screamed. The rivers of tears started to flow down your face and ruined your mascara, but it isn't your priority right now. "I TOLD ME YOU LOVED ME! YOU TOLD ME YOU'D WAIT!" You wailed. The man touches face and also lashes at you. "YOU! YOU TOLD ME YOU'LL ANSWER ME! I'VE WAITED FOR 19 YEARS WOMAN!"

     19 years. That's how long you've stalled yourself from falling into his charms. That's how long you've dreamed he's going to say yes after all these missing years. 19 years. That's how long you've dreamed of having your own little fairy tale ending.

     People around you watch in bewilderment and some of your friends hold you both back. You scream at the top off you lungs, "JUST WHEN I THOUGHT I'D HAVE SOMETHING IN MY LIFE THAT'S REAL! JUST WHEN I THOUGHT I'D FINALLY LOVE SOMEONE!" You break free from the grasp of your friends and slapped his face.

     "YOU LIED! FUCK YOU AND YOUR WEDDING YOU LYING PIG!" You spit on his face for good measures. "THAT'S WOMEN FOR YOU RIGHT?!" Samuru yells behind you as you turn your back on him heading to the stairs. "ONCE THEY HAVE YOU LOOPED AROUND THEIR FINGERTIPS THEY SAY NO! ONCE THEIR DESPERATE THEY COME RUNNING BACK TO YAH!"

     Some people laugh at his statement while others are clearly bothered by the fight. All is silence around you as you walk down the stairs. 


This is so unpolished but my head and heart are craving to write angst and just to write in general. This is soooo out of the blue but, I'll explain in a few minutes!!!

Sooo have this lazy-undedited version!!!!!

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