Riki||The Rock City Girl||

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Hey guys long time no write |(°v°)|

Edited on 04/24/16


(y/n) just arrived in East Block to be welcomed by a crowd of people.

Moving out of South Block, her 'guy' friend, (random boy name), told her to depart from her old house where her deceased parents used live. She just agreed with him, because she thought he was right. Living there wasn't the best thing.

And also, it was getting boring there. She didn't have many friends, 'cause growing up there being a shy and anti-social person. (random boy name) was the one she can lean on. Exhaling a sigh, with a dirty little suitcase, a sling bag of money, she walked toward the apartment he rented.

After checking in, knowing the funds and fees. She (dramatically) walked in. She (e/c) eyes widened. The room was incredible. The walls were painted a peachy pink and the floors were covered by a (f/c) carpet.

The bed itself amazed her, it was queen sized with a (f/c) blanket and fluffy pillows. She swore to thank her friend afterward. Feeling tired she lunged at the bed with the same clothes she wore today.


She woke up early to unpack and thought what did she needed to buy for this apartment. She scratched her (h/l) (h/c) tiredly. She took her clothes from her little suitcase then, walked toward the bathroom to refresh herself.

She came out, wearing (f/c), ragged-up dress, and a black long-sleeved jacket. Her hair is just in a high ponytail(pinned to the sides, if short) so it won't disturb her from all the thinking and rearranging.

After minutes of customizing your apartment, you went out to wander around East Block. "Hey Simon, let's hurry before the competition starts" a boy said to his red haired friend. "Sha, sha I know. 'Because B-Daman's a mystery' to you" his friend replied mockingly, as he followed him to the secret arena.

(y/n) got curious of what will the East block's arena looks like so she followed them. She faced a door with the same lock they have in the South block. She placed her B-Daman at the censor and it opened. She walked until she reached the arena. It was much more bigger compared to the South block.

"Hello, you must be, Ms. (l/n). It is a pleasure to meet you" a brunette said, with a kind smile. "E-eh, was I expected here? Since I moved out from the South block" said (y/n), as the girl nodded. "Yes, you were expected here. I was told by my grandfather that someone would move" she smiled, and then led her to where most East block players were.

(y/n) already knew how to fit in but, it takes a lot of time. So she just stayed at the corner.

The girl whom (y/n) just talked with raised her hand to get the player's attention. "All right everyone, prepare for Grand Round Attack[see episode 3 season 1]. The roulette will start. Now". Then, their phones started to show different numbers. "There you see different colored EZ targets, such as red, blue, and yellow. Reminder that each has specific points". The (y/n) got the number 1. "Eh, I'm the first already" she whined, as she walked towards the arena.

She stepped on the platform and went to position. The mountain was scouring with many targets to choose from. The platform started to spin making her little dizzy. But she didn't mind. 'Time to show South block's number one player' (y/n) thought as she raised her B-Daman's and started to shoot blue EZ targets. Her movements were fast that no one can keep up looking at her. "I'm blessed to have a rapid type" she thanked as her spirit shot was ready. 

"(s/s/s), (adjective) (b/n)" she yelled as her b-animal was released. She smirked as it hit a heavy target and another one. (y/n) raised her closed fist up high, then put it back to it's normal position, as she stepped off the platform.

"Very nice performance, Miss" a brunet with glasses complemented. (y/n) blushed, diverting her attention to the band-aid on her cheek, as she scratched it. "T-thank you. Well that practice from the South really paid off" she crookedly smiled, as he extended his hand. "I'm Yuki Washimura" he introduced himself, as she shook it. Giving him a smile on his face. "(y/n) (l/n). At your service" she proudly said, grinning at him.  

He released her hand and dragged her to an area with 4 boys. "Hey Yuki. Who's that" a boy with blonde hair asked. "Didn't you see earlier. I was the first one to play, stupid" (y/n) grumbled while crossing her arms.

"Ahh, you were the one who was moving that fast" a boy popped up with sparkles surrounding him. "A-ah, yes. I am the South Block's number one player" she bragged as he smiled, you know that smile that could reach his ears. "Mystery~!" He piped and turned his attention on the next player.

Well so much for a first day...


Days and days after, Miss (y/n) had gotten used to the East Block's ways. Competitions, Simon running away from Rory, Riki trying to impress Samuru, and so on.

The (h/c) girl competed in every challenge they would give her and she would finish it in a blink of an eye. This was marveled by someone so she/he kept watching her. She was one good pick. As time goes on she experienced some great adventures. Like when the B-Crystal was attacked, going to a real fight with the Asuka Kami, and mainly doing them all with Riki.

Obviously, she has feelings for the clueless B-shot.  But he was too oblivious to realize it. So she kept those feelings locked in her heart. She was too scared to confess, because it'll ruining their friendship and make things awkward, from her pint of view. But she enjoyed every bit of what their doing.

When the time came, she had to watch Riki fight with the legendary Golden Dragon. (y/n) was so scared for Riki. He might not win, also swiping out every B-Animal there is. But surprisingly they won and returning the animals, giving Sumi one too.


"You sure about going with us, (n/n)?" Sumi asked from the W.B.M.A helicopter. "Yes very sure. I've heard from Samuru and Yuki that they've met that Day guy. And says he's pretty cool" she said and hopped on. They waved bye to Rory and headed to Crestland.


"Ugh, finally here" sighed (y/n), taking in the air of Crestland. "It's actually pretty nice here" Sumi said. "Let's find Samuru and the others" Riki popped out of nowhere and sprinted off. "Hey, Riki wait up" both of the girls ran after him. 

While running (y/n)'s cap flew away and ending up on the floor. She didn't notice, as her (h/l) (h/c) swayed with the wind. She smiled and ran faster cathcing up to Riki. "Who finds them first pays dinner, tonight".



 Hey, guys I'm kind of sick now but,  I'll try to tell you guys the answer from the previous trivia

"GuminaLumina is a grade:

Grade 7"

Okay that's all thank you bye.

Plot belongs to me

B-Daman characters are not mine

You belong to Riki :3

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