||Can I Have This Dance?||AU

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Once upon a time, a Cotillion ball was held. Everybody was invited within the land. And finally the night has come to dance their way through the night. Ladies dressed with the finest of clothes. Men in fancy tuxedos, swooning most of the women. The intoxicating sounds of the piano and bass resonating within the gold covered ballroom. A lone girl with a (f/c) maquerade mask, clothed in an eye-catching dress

 A lone girl with a (f/c) maquerade mask, clothed in an eye-catching dress

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walked in.

Everybody's eyes immediately went to her. She was beautiful, majestically beautiful for anyone. As she ascended down the stairs, a male with a gold mask and white tuxedo assisted her down. He took her delicate hand with gentleness and placed a feather-like kiss on it. Immediately after the gesture, a blast of bass and violin started filling the whole ballroom.

Without any words exchanged, the two followed in suit. Locking his hand with her, his other arm placed on her hip while hers on his shoulder. They span to the center of the room. (e/c) eyes locked with the males warm gaze. The music finally hits it's climax as he dipped her down. Eyes locked in awe, the male slowly neared her as distance began to shorten.

||Can I Have This Dance, (y/n)?||


You faced the mirror of your room. Trembling hands placed on your lap as you gulped. "This is it, (y/n). The night we've waited for" you muttered to yourself before turning around. Your (e/c) eyes locked with a single dress hanging on your closet. The dress was sleeveless and embodied the color blue.

 The dress was sleeveless and embodied the color blue

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It was beautiful. The azure shade greatly reminded you of your partner for tonight: 

Samuru Shigami.

You were lucky enough to get a descent partner for tonight, rather that some campus playboys or bullies. Ladies were jealous over the fact that you'd have to share a dance with the reserved male. His hand, gently placed on your hip. Yours on his broad shoulder. And hands tenderly locked as if they were made for each other. 

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