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Chapter 3

(Saturday 6th November 1982 11:00pm)

(Bahja’s house)

Zonnique: Hey guys!

Breaunna and Bahja: Yeah!

Zonnique: I’m really worried! *lying on Bahja’s bed feeling unwell and weak*

Breaunna: I know me too, but don’t worry, ain’t NOTHING bad gonna happen to you ok Star!

Zonnique: Awwww thanks so much Babydoll *croacky voice*

Breaunna: Anything for you Star...Star, are you ok?

*Zonnique gets up and runs to the bathroom and starts vomiting,and then she faints*

Bahja: Ok, this has gone TOO FAR now! We need to get her TO the Hospital, RIGHT away!

Breaunna: RIGHT!

*They run and pick her up from the bathroom floor,they carried her to Bahja’s car and then drove her to the Hospital*

(Emory University Hospital 11:15pm)

*Breaunna and Bahja reach the Hospital and take Zonnique out the car, then they both carry her quickly into the hospital*

*Bahja see’s the nurse coming her way*

Bahja: Nurse, please help us, our friend fainted after vomiting and we don’t know what’s wrong with her! *Crying*

Nurse: Ok don’t worry, we’ll get her to the emergancy room right away

Bahja: Thank you so much

Nurse: No problem

(The 2 nurses place Zonnique on the hospital bed and take her to the emergancy room)

(15 minutes later)


(The emergancy room)

Nurse: Ok, I’ve got the blood test results, and there’s nothing wrong her, no disease, nothing dangerous or harmful

Bahja: Oh thank god

Zonnique: I know right!

Nurse: But thier is 1 thing!

Zonnique, Bahja and Breaunna: What is it nurse?

Nurse: ...She’s pregnant

Zonnique, Bahja and Breaunna: WHAT!

Zonnique: PREGNANT! HOW?

Nurse: Well, you should ask yourself that question, have ever had any sexual intercourse?

Zonnique: Weeeeeellllllll.......

Bahja and Breaunna: Well WHAT?

Zonnique: Its a long story..........*Feeling guilty*

Nurse: Ok your free to go now

Bahja: Ok thank you nurse bye

Nurse: Bye bye

(They leave)

(Outside the hospital)

Zonnique: Beauty, Babydoll...I’m really sorry.....I’m sorry, for making you have to go through all this trouble just to make sure I’m ok *starts crying*

Bahja: Awwwww don’t worry Star...its not your fault ok, I understand *Feeling sorry*

Zonnique: No its not ok...Its my fault for going to Princeton’s house in first place, and now I’m pregnant, with his baby *Crying*


Zonnique: Yes *Crying*


Zonnique: He.......... *Crying*

Bahja and Breaunna: He WHAT?

Zonnique: He raped me *Crying*

Breaunna: He RAPED you!

Bahja: That BASTARD!

Breaunna: Ooooooh IMA SOOOOOO gonna KILL THAT nigga, how DARE HE!!!!

Zonnique: No guys please don’t, calm down, its ok *In tears*

Bahja: NO its NOT ok Zonnique...I’m gonna FIND HIM...and CHOP HIS HEAD OFF!!! I don’t alow ANYONE to take advantage of you, and NONE, IS EVER gonna get away with hurting MY BEST FRIEND!!!!

Zonnique: Babydoll, Beauty, please, calm down *Crying*

Bahja: You know what, I’m calling the police

Zonnique: No no don’t that please *Crying*

Bahja: But WHY Zonnique, he BLOODY RAPED you and got you PREGNANT! I HAVE TO CALL THE POLICE NOW!

Zonnique: No don’t, he’ll kill me if you do*Crying*

Bahja: So what, ain’t NOBODY gonna kill YOU, now I’m CALLING...the police

Zonnique: No please don’t, not now, I wanna keep the pregnancy a secret *In tears*

Bahja: Fine alright then, but sooner or later...your GONNA have to tell somebody, ok!

Zonnique: Ok then *Upset*

Bahja: Alright then lets go

(They get in the car and leave)

End of chapter 3, what yall think so far, lol

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