106 and Park *part 2*

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 Chapter 16 part 2

(10 minutes later)

Rocsi -D: Heeeeey yall wus up my name is Rocsi

Terrence J: And my name is Terrence

Rocsi and Terrence: and WELCOME TO 106 AND PARK!

Everyone: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *Clapping*

Terrence: Ok now yall, today we have a very new, and special celeb couple, so GIVE IT UP WITH TODAYS CO HOSTS, STAR AND PRINCETOOOOOON!!!

*Zonnique and Princeton walk in as everyone is cheering and clapping, then they hug Terrence and Rocsi*

Terrence: Ok so how yall 3 doing?

Zonnique and Princeton: We´re doing good *Zonnique is rubbing her stomach*

Terrence: Ok that´s great, I´m happy, so have yall thought of a name yet?

Zonnique: Yep, her name is Chloe

Terrence: Maaan that´s a nice name

Rocsi: Yeah I agree, that is a nice name

Zonnique and Princeton: Thanks you guys

Rocsi and Terrence: Our pleasure

Rocsi: So urr what´s the due date?

Zonnique: 12th of August, Friday

Princeton: Is that right?

Zonnique: Urm, yeah it is, since when did you become so forgetful

Princeton: Urm, I dunno *shrugs*

*Everyone laughs*

Rocsi: Wow Princeton, can´t believe you already starting to be forgetful

Princeton: Yeah, it's a mystery alright

*Everyone laughs*

Rocsi: Ok then, anyways, so you have just 2 weeks to go right

Zonnique: Yep

Rocsi: 2 week to go, isn´t that exciting?

Zonnique: Well yes, and no

Rocsi: Oh why´s that?

Zonnique: Well, yes because, I can´t wait to finally hold her in my arms and start taking care of her with the one I love *looks at Princeton and holds his hand*

Everyone including Rocsi and Terrence: Awwwwwwwwwwwww

Zonnique: And no, because of the amount of pain that will be involved when I'm in labour, and giving birth, so, yeah, but still, I´am very, very excited, and so is Princeton

Princeton: Yep that´s right everybody


Rocsi: Wow that´s great, alright then, tell us about the wedding

Princeton: Weeeeeeell-*he was cut off*

Zonnique: Let me start first *sharply*

Princeton: Woow ok girl

Zonnique: Good, anyways, the wedding, was just, an absolute OMGME

Rocsi: OMGME? Lol what does that mean?

Zonnique: It means "Oh my god madness everywhere"

Rocsi: WOW that´s what it means, that´s really clever, Ima start using that from this day forward

Everyone: *Laughs*

Terrence: Yeah me too

Everyone: *Laughs*

Rocsi: Wow so that´s what the wedding was like, just pure madness everywhere?

Zonnique: Yep, especially because, we did WAY, to much dancing, WAY too much singing, and Lil Wayne was shouting a lot and WAY too much and LOUD that his throat became saw, and he started losing his voice, and he even really started to sound like a 100 year old, and it was sooo funny that everyone kept laughing and making jokes about him LMAO

Rocsi: Wow then, that must have been really embarrassing for Wheezy then isn´t

Zonnique: Yeah, and he even started chasing after everyone who was doing that, even

Princeton, and that is just something to sooooo LOL about

Rocsi: OMG poor Wheezy, awwwwww

Everyone: *Laughs*

Terrence: Maaaan Jesus, what else happened at that crazy mad house wedding of yours?

Princeton: Well, at the end of the wedding, when it was time to go home, Prodigy and Ray decided to start a food fight, so they grabbed some food and screamed "FOOOOOOD FIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!" and then everyone started throwing food at each other, even at us 2, and we joined in the fight as well

Zonnique: Yeah, and then YOU decided to stuff food in my bra, and poor coke down my bra too you NAUGHTY RAT!

Everyone: *Laughs*

Rocsi and Terrence: Oooooooooo Princeton the naughty rat

Princeton: Yep, I´m the naughty rat alright

Everyone: *Laughs*

Princeton: Oh and everyone kept playing pranks on each other, like when Lil Wayne went go and dress up as the killer from the movie "Scream" and then he started running around with a big knife and scaring everybody, and the most scary part of that was that He almost stabbed Zonnique by accident, but luckily for her I came to the rescue, pulled Zonnique out the way and saved the life of my one and only beautiful bride

Everyone including Rocsi and Terrence: Awwwwwwwwwwww

Zonnique: Yeah, my hubby saved my life, and that´s why I love you even more than ever Princeton

*Zonnique leaned forward and kissed him, and he kissed back*

Everyone including Rocsi and Terrence: Awwwwwww, WOOOOOOOOOOOO *Clapping*

Zonnique: Hey, did you guys know that everyone who came to the wedding calls our kiss the $1,000,000 kiss

Everyone: WooooOOOOOooooo

Terrence: WOW man, $1,000,000,000 kiss, that is just SWEET

Rocsi: And you just did it right now

Zonnique: Yep, cuz that´s the exact same way we kissed at the wedding, isn´t that right hubby boy

Princeton: Yep, it sure is

 End of part 2

 Part 3 coming soon on Wattpad

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