Mrs Right Baby! <3

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Chapter 8 part 1

 Roca Royal and Ray Ray: Hmmmmmm, I wonder who it could be?

Prodigy: Just look around you guys...just, look around you

(Ray Ray and Roc Royal start looking and searching around to see who Mrs Right is)

Ray Ray: Oh! I know, is it...

Ray Ray and Roc Royal: Bahja?

Prodigy: Maaaabye!

Roc Royal: Oh, is it Amber?

Prodigy: Yes it is!

Roc Royal: YES! I knew it, hey, wait a second, didn't you say that her name begins with B

Prodigy: HAHA, I was joking about saying yes, and it is NOT, Amber

Roc Royal: Oh, ooooh maaaaaaan!

Ray Ray: So is it actually Bahja then?

Prodigy: Yep, it DEFINETLY is, cuz Miss Bahja Rodriguez, is MY Mrs Right

Ray Ray: Woooow Bahja, nice choice

Roc Royal: Prodigy, why don't you go after her and MAKE her yours

Ray Ray: Yeah! Do it now! *getting excited and jumping weirdly*

Prodigy: Alright then, off I gooooo, to get my Mrs Right

Ray Ray and Roc Royal: YEAH YOU GO PRODIGY WOOOOOOOO *Jumping and clapping their hands*

(Prodigy walks up to Bahja)

Prodigy: Hey Bahja

Bahja: Oh hi Prod, what's up?

Prodigy: Can I ask you something?

Bahja: Yeah sure

Prodigy: Do you like me Bahja

Bahja: Oh, um, why do you ask *starting to blush a little*

Prodigy: Cuz I like you too

Bahja: Really *flattered*

Prodigy: Yes Bahja...really, cuz I think that you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life...and I want you to be my Mrs Bahja, will you be my Mrs Right?

Bahja: Oh my god Prodigy, YES! Of COURSE I will *crying with tears of joy*

(She kisses him and he deepens the kiss. Everyone surrounds them and starts to cheer and clap for them)

Mad Crazy MB fan: I HATE YOU PRODIGYYYYYYYYY *Crying, shocked to see them kissing*

(The mad crazy fan runs off)

(Meanwhile with Roc Royal and Ray Ray)

Roc Royal: So, looks like it's just me and you now huh

Ray Ray: Not anymore, cuz I'm going after Breaunna, cuz she's MY Mrs Right, so wish my luck

Roc Royal: Cool, alright yall, good luck with her

Ray Ray: Thanks yall *nods his head, points his finger like guns and winks at Roc*

(Ray Ray goes up to Breaunna)

Ray Ray: Hey Breaunna

Breaunna: Hey Ray, wus up?

Ray Ray: I was just wondering...if you would be my Mrs Right?

Breaunna: Oh my god, Ray Ray, for reals?

Ray Ray: Of course...Baby

Breaunna: Oooh Ray Ray *she kisses him*

(Ray Ray deepens the kisses, and everyone claps and cheers for them)

(Roc Royal is standing in a spot with his hands in his pockets, just looking around to see who his Mrs Right should be, then he notices Lourdes, and then he realizes that she's the one, and he walks up to her)

Roc Royal: Urm, Lourdes *shy*

Lourdes: Yeah, wus up?

Roc Royal: Urrr, would you like to be, my Mrs Right?

Lourdes: O...MG, really, are you serious *Getting really excited*

Roc Royal: Of course LoLo, and I also love you down to my heart

Lourdes: I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH *jumps on him and kisses him*

(Roc Royal deepens the kiss and everyone claps and cheers for them)

(Reginae starts looking for Jacob L and then she surprisingly bumps into him)

Jacob L: Oh, i'am so sorry Reginae

Reginae: No, don't worry, its ok, these things can happen sometimes, oh, and I almost forgot, I've been looking for you

Jacob L: Really! So have I *Surprised*

Reginae: Oh my god *surprised*

Jacob L: Hey Reginae

Reginae: Yeah!

Jacob L: I have feelings for you

Reginae: Wow, I

Jacob L: My god.....this is great...I'm so happy that you have the same feelings for me as I do for you...that I wanna spend the rest of my life with you

Reginae: Oh my REALLY mean that?

Jacob L: Yes Reginae...absolutely

Reginae: Oh god Jacob...I love you soooo much

*she kisses him, and he deepens the kiss, then everybody gathered around them and started cheering and clapping for them*

Sandra: you now all have partners ah? *African accent/dialect*

Reginae: Yep

Sandra: Well aren't you lucky people today *African accent/dialect*

Reginae: Most DEFINITELY, and you know what's so special about the fact that we all found the love of our life on the exact same day, and on a special, new year's day, that's SO COOL! *Jumping and clapping with excitement*

Zonnique: *Sighs and starts to cry a little*

Sandra: Zonnique, what is wrong..are you oke? *African accent/dialect*

Zonnique: No, it’s ok, I think I'm just gonna go to some quite place to think

Reginae: But- Zonnique wait

*she walks off*

Reginae: My god, I feel so terrible right now

Sandra: Me too *African accent/dialect*

Reginae: And I hope she's gonna be ok, and not too stressed all the time, especially cuz she's pregnant

Prodigy: We all do Reginae, we all do *holding on one of her shoulders with one hand*

end of part 1

part 2 coming soon

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