Chapter 12

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Holly's POV:
I'm still shaken up from Nicole when I sit down in my first period class. Somehow I end up sitting with Jake. Probably because he only knows me and I sit alone...

I'm still trying to figure him out. He has a secret. My guess is from his past.

But unfortunately I don't know what it is. But I also cannot deny that he is kinda hot. He's certainly tall for starters. His blonde hair in a bowl cut and his startling brown eyes that seem like you could stare into them forever. Let's not forget his muscles.

Long story short I'm not suprised Nicole was all over him this morning. Cause I'm sure it won't be the last time.

The rest of my day goes by smoothly with Jake fitting right into the group. It was nice. They all loved him before meeting him of course because of this morning.

The whole school was talking about this morning with Jake. The losers adore him for standing up for me and the popular kids hate him for what he said to Nicole.

Jake wasn't fazed at all by any of it. It was kinda hot actually... I mean he was humble about it... no I definitely mean he was hot. Cause he is.

Anyways after school I go out to the football feild, like I do everyday. As I walk out I replay the events of this morning in my head.

As I walk up the bleachers I see someone sitting in my usual spot. Wondering who it was I kept walking up.

I usually sit in the top right corner. I do this for 2 reasons; one so the cheerleaders can't really see who I am since Nicole is captain and two so I can see the whole feild.

As I get closer I see the familiar jacket with black sleeves and a green middle. The same jacket Jake was wearing today. As I get closer I just confirm to myself.

"Hey Jake." I say taking a seat next to him.

He looks over at me with a smile on his face.

"Hey, why are you out here Holls?" He asks using the nickname he made up lunch.

"My brother's playing. He's quarterback. Number 74." I say with a smile at the number.

Nick had asked me what number he should put on his jersey in his freshman year. I told him 74. I mean it is the book fandom number. 7 hero's of Olympus (AN Percy Jackson sequel series), 7 Harty Potter books, 4 for Tobias, and together it makes the 74th annual Hunger Games. (AN All great series of books to read!) Funny thing was he did it. Since his freshman year he's been number 74.

Jake smiles when I say that and looks back upon the feild. It's hard to tell if he's watching the cheerleaders or football players.

"What are you doing Jay?" I ask him using my own nickname I just made up.

He looks at me with one eyebrow raised.

"Jay? Hm. I like it. And I'm watching the football team practice. I always wanted to play football." He says with a smile as he speaks about football.

I start my homework as we sit there. We talk occasionally, but mostly sit in a comfortable silence.

When practice ends and the boys go to the locker rooms to change I pack up my stuff.

"Do you always wait for your brother?" Jake asks me.

I nod my head and continue packing.

"Do you want to meet him?" I suddenly ask looking up to meet his chocolate colored eyes.

His eyes are huge and looks suprised that I asked that.

"You sure? I mean that would be cool but you don't have to." He says.

I smirk and grab his hand.

"Let's go."

Jakes POV:
As she grabs my hand I can't help but smile. I quickly stumble after her as she drags me down the bleachers to the parking lot.

When we finally get to what must be her brothers car she lets go of my hand. When she turns around she looks so happy that I know I made the right decision. She just looked so happy.

I wish she always looked like this. When she smiles she gets little dimples. And her eyes seem to double in size. She's just so cute.

We wait at the car for a few minuets.

Then we see him start to walk over. He's talking to a teammate who I recognize as Patrick. Eventually both boys are at the car where me and Holly are.

"Hey Nick!" Holly says being, from what I can tell, her usual happy self.

"Who's this?" He asks his eyes turning to focus on me.

"This is my new friend Jake. Jake this is my brother Nick and his friend Patrick, or as I call him Patty P." Holly says introducing us.

"Holl we agreed not to introduce me as Patty P." Patrick complains.

We all laugh at this.

"How do you know Jake?" Nick asks getting serious again.

"He defended me this morning. He was asking me where a class was and then Nicole came over and wanted him to go with her and he didn't want to so she snapped at me for some reason and he defended me." Holly says in one breath.

Nick and Patrick both looked shocked.

"What?!" Nick yells.

"I swear I'm going to get her back for this." Patrick mutters under his breath.

Nick then turns to me. The look in his eyes is something I haven't seen in a long time. It was one that showed thanks, it showed gratitude, and it showed sincerity.

"Thanks man." He says.

"Anytime." I respond with.

And just like that I became friends with two of the schools star football players.

Nicks POV:

*later that day*

I feel it again. The pull to do it. The desire to do it.

"No." I tell myself.

I think about Holly and how she would feel if I did it.

I can't do that to her.

I just can't.


Authors Note:

Please put down the pitchforks. I know it's been a while since I updated but I'm having some personal problems that I'm dealing with at the moment.

I'll update again soon.

Also if you have any good songs that match any of the characters let me know in the comments.


<3 Infinity

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