Chapter 3: The Coward

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Prussia's POV

I was watching my awesome TV shows when I heard clatter in the house. Of course my awesome self shouldn't care but I had such awesome curiosity. "GERMANY what's going on? Ze Awesome Prussia can hear you from my awesome room!" I said as a smirk appeared on my face as I walked out of my awesome room.

But what I saw was totally not awesome.

"GERMANY WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH ZE GILBIRD?!" I exclaimed as I saw Germany in a different uniform and he was poking Gilbird with a stick. "Nonono! Gilbird doesn't like to be touched in his awesome places!" I exclaimed and Gilbird twittered onto my right shoulder. Germany scoffed and crossed his arms on the couch.

"Vhy should you care Bruder?" Germany asked. I clenched my fists. "I AM ZE AWESOME PRUSSIA AND YOUR BROTHER!!" I exclaimed. Huh. Now I know how Germany feels like around the awesome me.

"Vhy would you get a bird? Birds are stupid," Germany said. My eyes widened. I punched Germany in the face where I noticed he had a scar (Author Note: The scar was from Japan's katana) on the right side of his cheek. "Where did you get ze scar?" I asked. Germany smirked. "You mean my awesome scar?"

"YOU DO NOT USE ZE WORD AWESOME ONLY ZE AWESOME PRUSSIA CAN!!!" I exclaimed and punched him again on the left cheek. Germany clenched his fists as he pinned my down to the ground. "Your one to laugh, bruder," Germany said as I struggled to choke on his neck. Though Germany was doing the same but more painful than what I was doing with him.

"What is going on, Germany?!" I exclaimed. "Just hurry up and die already! Ugh killing someone is so much vork. Then later on I have to kill Russia after this!" Germany said and scoffed. It almost looked like he wasn't trying. "You know, it's a pain to have a sibling like you," Germany said. My eyes widened as I struggled to breathe and almost felt my face turn blue. Dark spots started to fill the corners of my eyes.

Bruder, can you hear me?

"Shut it you stupid asshole!" I exclaimed and thrusted my knee on Germany's stomach. Though his lips didn't move. He's probably trying to do something to get in my awesome head. I quickly got up as the grip on my neck tightened a little and I kicked his shins as he fell down. I started to beat him up restlessly.

Ow! Bruder what are you doing?

"SHUT UP WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ZE AWESOME PRUSSIA?!" I exclaimed and started to beating him up even faster as beads of sweat formed on my awesome self.

It's not me who's beating you up it's my insanity.

"Your confusing my awesome self!" I exclaimed and pinned him on the neck pressing his neck against the wooden wall. Though he was restlessly beating at my ribs.

Please, believe me Bruder, Every time you hit me my body gets affected and it von't vork on him. I'll die but not my insanity.

"Wait what?" I asked suddenly calming down. But Germany tackled me to the ground. "You tricked me!" I exclaimed.

You have to stay alive. You have to save me from insanity.

"How?!" I exclaimed as I restlessly avoided Germany's punched. "Stay still!" He exclaimed. "What do you mean, save you?" I asked as I waited for the voice in my head to respond.

You'll figure out. Just stay alive. I'll last a few more punches for your self defense, Bruder

I nodded as I kicked Germany in the private part. It weakened him a little bit, so I had no choice but to make a run for it.

Ze Awesome Prussia is a coward...

Italy's POV

I stopped running as I couldn't see anything. Anything but my childhood where I heard beautiful piano music from a distance. I saw a huge mansion where a man was playing the piano through the window. "Mister Austria! Miss Hungary!" I exclaimed and the piano music suddenly stopped. I knocked on the front door and Hungary answered.

Though she was wearing a military uniform instead of the dress I always see her wearing. "Italy? I haven't seen you until the day you hit puberty! I'm still very proud!" Hungary said sweetly. Austria stood behind her, silently smiling. "It's nice to see you again, Italy," Austria said. I ran up to hug the both of them.

"I missed you too! Let's eat pasta for dinner I'll cook!" I exclaimed and let go of them. "Miss Hungary? How come there's-a something different about-a you?" I asked and Hungary smiled. Austria frowned. "Remember the time wvhen Austria and I vere married, Italy?" Hungary asked. I nodded.

"I caught you kissing at night!" I exclaimed. The both of them blushed. "N-No I mean, ve're just mere friends now. Apparently things didn't vork out," Hungary said. I frowned. "Awe. Watching you-a kissing was fun," I frowned. Austria's eyes widened. "You really are Ze brother of France," he muttered. I laughed.

"Big brother France isn't here-a right now. But can I-a make pasta!" I exclaimed. Hungary and Austria looked at each other and nodded. "Ve~!" I exclaimed and walked happily to the kitchen. I got the pots and the hot water as well as the pasta noodles and Romano's and Spain's tomatoes that I found in craters.

Before I could start there was loud banging and yelling in the front.

"AUSTRIA!! HUNGARY!!! LET ME, ZE AWESOME PRUSSIA, IN!! GERMANY IS CHASING AFTER ME!!!" Prussia exclaimed. Japan got Germany too?

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed in fear as I ran in the hallways. My eyes closed in panic when I bumped into something and my hands were feeling something squishy. "Okay. I think I'm-a safe," I said in relief.

"Italy...," Hungary said. I opened my eyes and saw what I was groping.

"AAAAAHHHHH I'M SORRY I'M SORRY!!!!" I exclaimed and got down in my knees. Hungary laughed. "I'll let you go this time," Hungary said. I looked around me and saw Prussia badly beaten up and Austria just standing in silence.

"Why was Germany chasing you down?" Austria asked. "I don't know but I was awesome enough to outrun him," Prussia said. Hungary had a tight grip on her frying pan. "For once vould your stop using the vord 'awesome'?" Hungary asked. Prussia shook his head.

"No can do but have you seen Taiwan?" Prussia asked. All of us shook our head. "No and why would you be looking for her?" Austria asked. Prussia shook his head. Before he could respond, I ran back to the kitchen in fear.

"Germany's scary! Japan's-a scary! Help!!" I exclaimed. But before I could scream for help even more, the blade of a bloody katana was on my neck.

I'm sorry, Itary-San

"I'M SORRY too JAPAN!! JUST-A SPARE MY LIFE!!!" I exclaimed. "If you call for help you'll be more than dead," Japan said. My eyes widened as I stood silent.

Risten to me, Itary-San

"O-Okay..," I listened to the Japan voice in my head.

You won't be kirred but your body wirr be used for insanity. You can talk rike this with onry one person. You have to rery on that person to save you.

"What?! MISS HUNGARY MISS HUNGARY!!" I exclaimed. Japan shot a glare at me. "I tord you to stay quiet!"

In the head. You'rr farr (you'll fall) unconscious soon then you carr for herp

"Okay," I said. All of a sudden, Japan in my head was right. I was unconscious now. But I could only see the things that was going on. My body was changing. I looked a little like big brother Romano. Except... Creepy.

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