Chapter 7: The Encounter

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Taiwan's POV

I feel so guilty! I let the helicopter escape, now I'm useless now that Philippines had disappeared with America. I clenched my fists and looked at Hungary or Prussia for direct orders.

"Which country do we start with?" I asked Hungary. She shook her head and pointed north at the direction of the sky. "Ve are following zhat helicopter. It vent north before it disappeared. Ve'll go zhat vay," Hungary explained. I nodded.

"But vhat if zhey changed directions?" Prussia asked. Hungary shook her head. "Zhere are zhree possible vays it could have gone. North, East, and Vest. If ve split up, one of us could go each direction," Hungary said.

"I call Vest," Prussia said. "I'll go North," Hungary said. I shrugged. "I'll go East, then," I said and Hungary handed us a few walkie talkies. "Ve'll need zhis if one on us spot zhe helicopter. Ve'll be going nov," Hungary said. They started running out to their directions.

I ran to the east and looked up at the sky for a military green colored helicopter with three flags on it. The German, Italian, and Japanese flag. Though I couldn't find anything in the sky besides clouds.

But because I kept looking constantly in the sky for a helicopter, I had bumped into someone. He wore black military clothes with a katana in his hand. His eyes red with insanity. I slowly backed away from the Japanese man with my heart racing with fear.

"Where are you going? Taiwan-Chan?" He asked. My eyes widened as he grabbed my chin with his gloved hand making me look at him in the eye. "You wirr never save the ord Japan. Your the weakest one out of arr of them," Japan said with a smirk on his face. I glared at him and grabbed his right arm holding the katana.

He quickly dodged and a minor scar was on my hand. He just smiled. It was creepy. "I'm not the weakest one if chose me," I said and glared at him. He soon stepped back only to ram back at me putting me in a chokehold with the katana aimed at my neck.

"You rearry think that he chose you because you were strong? Wrong. He chose you because he had faith in someone who was weak," Japan said. I stared at him coldly. "Th-That isn't true," I said. Japan just smirked. "I can see in his thoughts and memories, Taiwan-Chan," Japan said with a smirk.

"Might as werr put you out of your misery," Japan said. He held up the katana high with an evil smirk on his face. That evil smirk was turned into an expression of shock and pain. I noticed a bleeding wound on his left rib with a pocket knife etched in his body. He had fell to the ground on his knees and he dropped his katana on the ground.

"J-Japan..," I trailed off and looked at him. I looked at the side where he was stabbed. All I saw was someone that made me cry. Why would he do it? Why would he do it even though that was his own brother?

"Hong Kong!"

Philippines' POV

I woke up in what seemed like an American-style jail. But I was the only one in it. I shuddered and hugged my knees to make me feel warm. My bruises stinging on the floor. A similar American came. Instead with brown hair.

"How you doing, Dudette?" America asked and opened the jail door and got inside with he and sat next to me. I didn't respond. I just cried in silence. He lifted up my chin with the index finger of his gloved hand.

"Look at me when I'm talking," America said. I nodded. "I asked, who are you doing?" America asked. I shook my head. "I'm hurt all over," I said. America cooed. "We your so cute when your in pain!" America exclaimed. My eyes widened as tears rolled down my cheeks.

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