Chapter 8: The Remedy

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Prussia's POV

I had no regrets. I kissed the girl that I've liked in a while. Ever since we were kids and I knew that Hungary was a woman. I had a little bit of fear left inside me that she would hit me with her frying pan. Or probably punch me in the gut even though I was wounded. I ignored the feeling and a wide grin appeared on my face.

Hungary dropped her frying pan in shock. She looked straight at my eyes mixed with confusion. The one detail about her face made me had a ray of hope. Her cheeks red and flaring up. "I-I-uh...," before Hungary could respond, Taiwan was there with a normal Japan at her side.

"Hey! Look! Japan's back to normal!" Taiwan exclaimed. Hungary quickly focused on what happened. Japan had his white military coat on instead of the creepy black color that he was when he was insane and killed China. A katana in his hand that was not bloody. His brown eyes with no expression. That was Japan.

"Vait! He might attack!" Hungary exclaimed and grabbed her frying pan on the ground and held it up for self defense. But nothing happened. Japan just stood there, with a modest expression. "H-How did you do zhis?" I asked in shock. Taiwan smiled happily, giggling. "I just said, that I loved him," Taiwan said and smiled. Hungary's eyes widened as the grip on her frying pan loosened.

Hungary calmly put her frying pan down and glanced at me for a second. Then she turned back into her determined face. "Okay. Because of Prussia's accident, ve saw zhe plane, but lost it. So ve'll have to camp here for nov. It's getting late and ve could barely see anyzhing in zhe dark. Besides, you tvo are injured. You need rest," Hungary said.

Japan passed out rice balls that he had with him. I got one and Hungary got one. Taiwan happily nibbled on her rice ball. She was happy because Japan was back to normal. The four of us sat down on the dirty ground as I stared up at the black sky and ate my rice ball.

At first, I noticed that there was barely a full moon, shining. I walked off and got a few branches from a tree and some actual wood. So I returned and Japan started the campfire. Though the fire wasn't enough to keep all of us warm.

Taiwan started lightly shivering as she was halfway through her rice ball. Japan looked at her and started to remove his white military coat. Revealing that he had an injury on his left rib that was bandages over. "Do you need a jacket? Taiwan-Chan?" Japan asked politely. Taiwan managed a nod and Japan wrapped the jacket around her. Taiwan smiled and lightly blushed.

I noticed and looked at Hungary, who was shivering and crossed her arms trying to keep herself warm. Her breath visible in the air. Her sleeves were torn because they were used as bandages for my wound. I started to unbutton my military blue tunic, but Hungary stopped me.

"Zh-Zhat von't be necessary," Hungary said managing to say that whole sentence. I shook my head and handed it to her anyways, putting it draped on her shoulders. Hungary scoffed and avoided eye contact with me, though I could see that she was lightly blushing. "Y-Your making me look veak," Hungary muttered. I smiled and rested my elbow on her shoulder.

"Vell, zhese countries just don't knov hov hard you hit vith a frying pan. Kesesese!" I exclaimed. Hungary slightly smiled and looked straight at the fire. "Rooking at right for a rong time can hurt your eyes, Hungary-San (Looking at light for a long time can hurt your eyes)," Japan said. Hungary nodded and I removed my elbow from her shoulder. She kept her eyes away from the fire. She soon looked directly at me.

"Zhanks," Hungary said with her eyes droopy. But she forced them to be open. "Just rest, Frau. You've been leading us zhis vhole time," I told her. Hungary yawned and nodded. "J-Just vake me up vhen Germany and Italy are there...," Hungary said and quickly, she was already fast asleep.

It wasn't long before her head was resting on my shoulder. I smiled and looked at Japan and Taiwan, who looked back at me. Taiwan was smiling, but of course, Japan showed no emotions through his facial expression.

"Vhat?" I asked them. Japan shook his head. "I'm just thinking, how I just kirred one of the countries that raised me," Japan said. Taiwan frowned staring at the floor. "China will understand. He's in a better place," Taiwan said. Japan nodded. I had finished the rest of my rice ball and Taiwan did the same. Japan looked up at the sky in confusion.

"Vhy veren't you vith zhe rest of zhe Axis Povers?" I asked. Japan looked at me. "I berieve that Germany-San had tord me to scout the prace and rook for other countries to take," Germany said. "Philippines..," Taiwan said quietly. "But vhy vould zhey send America if he's in zhe Allies?" I asked Japan. He shrugged.

"They berieved that he had potentiar. He courd have gotten Russia-San, but there was something about America's wirr," Japan said. I nodded as my eyes got droopy as well. "Maybe we should rest, like what Hungary said," Taiwan suggested. "Hai," Japan nodded in agreement as he slept on the floor as if it were like a pillow. Taiwan covered herself with Japan's coat as if it were a blanket.

I was wide awake as I sat down and watched over them incase the Axis Powers come and try to invade us while we were weak. I refused to sleep even with my eyes droopy. "Vh-Vhat about Night Vatch?" I asked. Taiwan's and Japan's eyes fluttered open from there short slumber. Taiwan quickly volunteered. "I'lol do it. You and Japan are injured," Taiwan said. Japan returned to his rest.

I glanced at Hungary who looked like an angel when she was sleeping. "Vhen your avake, Frau, you'll alvays hit me vith your skillet," I whispered and kissed her forehead. "I zhink I like you vhen your asleep and avake," I said and my droopy eyes finally shut closed.

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