Chapter 12: The Epilogue

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Japan's POV

"Werr, in the end, the worrd was at peace. Most of the time. At reast for a rittre whire. America-San made the Axis Powers his arries. Though Russia-San wasn't his arry most of the time. Now he's known as a communist. Phirippines-San had forgave me, the worrd is stirr different without China-Kun, Vietnam-San, and Austria-San. Arso-"

"Japan and I got married!" Taiwan exclaimed happily pointing go her ring. I smiled and nodded. "I found a beautifur Sakura, Taiwan-Chan, who is my Waifu. We arso have a son," I said as a little kid the age of 5 with red clothing and long, brown hair came.

"Konichiwa, I am Kichiro no Honda," he introduced himself and bowed. "I made dinner," I said. Taiwan jumped happily and walked over to the kitchen as the three of us as a family happily ate dinner.

America's POV

"So dudes, the world isn't really at peace but it was better than last time! Russia is a commie! Also, meet my wife!" I exclaimed happily and put my arm around Philippines. She smiled and waved. "Hello, po! I'm Maria Dela Cruz Jones!" Philippines said acting shyly. "Hey! Daddy! Mommy!" I heard our little kid call out. She had black hair and white skin. She had a sort of Asian look but she has my personality.

"Hi! I'm Amelia!" She exclaimed happily. I lifted her up and she booped my nose as I smiled. "So, Jolibee or McDonalds?" Philippines asked with her hands on her hips.

"McDonalds!" Amelia and I exclaimed happily.

Hungary's POV

"Vell, I still sort of am stuck vith zhat idiot, Prus-" "WE'RE MARRIED!!!" Prussia exclaimed and referred to the matching rings we were wearing. I nodded with a happy grin on my face. "Yeah, ve're married," I said and smiled.

"Hey, son! Come over here!" Prussia yelled upstairs. He came running like the 6 year old he is. He smiled and waved. "Hallo! I'm Ze Awesome Emerson!" He exclaimed happily. I sighed and crossed my arms. "He ended up like you didn't he?" I turned to Prussia. He laughed. "Kesesese! That's right!" Prussia exclaimed happily.

Emerson had my brown hair and eyes. He looked Hungarian. But that personality. It was too... Prussia...

"I'm hungry!" Emerson exclaimed. Prussia nodded in agreement as I could practically hear the two stomachs growl. I sighed and pointed to the meal already ready. "I made food," I said and smiled.

"Yay!" They both exclaimed and raced to the kitchen and started scarfing down their food like it was a race. "I'm totally vinning against you dad! Because I'm awesome!" Emerson exclaimed happily. Prussia shook his head. "I invented zhe vord awesome!" Prussia exclaimed with his mouth full. I sighed and took my seat.

"Men..," I said and couldn't help but giggle.

Author note here! No, it's not the end! I'm planning on making a book called "The Reincarnated World" with the three as the main characters! Kichiro (Reincarnation of China), Amelia (Reincarnation of Vietnam) and Emerson (Reincarnation of Austria) has come! Yes, the actual countries will be there in the part of the book. But watch as something happens in the second book! Ciao till then!

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