Chapter 9: The Sunrise

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Japan's POV

I woke up a little earlier than I expected. The sunrise was almost up, about a few minutes away. My wounds were healing up a bit as I sat close to the fire, hugging my knees from how cold it actually was. But my left rib starts aching every now and then but I was able to ignore it.

I looked at the European countries sleeping, Prussia and Hungary. The two ended up looking like they were almost cuddling. Hungary's head and hands on Prussia's chest with his arms wrapped around her. I smiled and glanced at the fire for a quick second.

Soon, guilt reached my head. It burned more than the constant aching on my left rib. "China-Kun, Vietnam-San. Gomen," I murmured and looked at Taiwan, sitting on the floor, fumbling with her fingers. "Taiwan-Chan," I said in a hush tone so I wouldn't wake up the European countries sleeping on the ground.

"Yeah?" Taiwan asked, wide awake. Minus the fact that she didn't sleep the whole night. I scooted next to her and half smiled, bowing in thanks. "I just want to thank you, Taiwan-Chan," I said. Taiwan nodded. "You don't have to keep on thanking me," she said.

"But it was rearry you that saved me from insanity. So, Arigato," I said. There was a silence, until Taiwan had poked my right arm. "Hai, Taiwan-Chan?" I asked. Taiwan had a red blush on her face, as if remembering something.

"Remember, Japan? When you were talking to me in my mind? And you said, I-I love you?" Taiwan asked, staring at the fire as the red on her cheeks flared up. I soon remembered what had happened. I was under insanity, it was after I killed them. I looked at Taiwan who was still staring at the fire, her cheeks red like the painted sunrise. Looking at the sunrise, suddenly tears appeared from the corner of my eyes.


"Konichiwa, China-Kun, where the sun sets, I am Japan, where the sun rises," I said and looked up to see the Chinese man. His expression changed. "That was quite mean!" China exclaimed.

*end of flashback*

"Japan? Your crying. I haven't seen you cry," Taiwan said sound and looking concerned. The tears that formed on the corner from my eyes turned into running tears that were on my cheeks. "I...I kirred him... Ch-China-Kun..," I said looking at her with tears running down my cheeks.

Taiwan's eyes widened when she saw the actual tears streaming down my face. I quietly cried with my tears falling out of my eyes faster than rain would. "Japan, it wasn't your fault," Taiwan said and patted my back. "I courdn't stop it. I-If you weren't there in time, I wourd have kirred America-San, Phirippines-San, a-and..," I said barely able to say her name. Knowing that I would have killed her.

"I-I wourd have kirred you, Taiwan-Chan."

Taiwan's eyes widened as she suddenly wrapped her arms around my bandages waist gently so she wouldn't hurt where I was wounded. My tears were able to lessen. I felt a little bit relaxed, Taiwan wasn't mad at me. For all the horrible things I've done.

"I'm right here. I promise you, I won't die as much as I can. Don't you remember? You protected me on the battlefield," Taiwan said and I wiped my foolish tears away. Taiwan yawned and rested her head on my shoulders.

"Your just like a big panda," Taiwan smiled and closed her eyes. I cringed inside, remembering that China loved pandas. I smiled through the pain I felt and intertwined her fingers with mine. "H-Huh?" Taiwan asked and fluttered her eyes open. I looked at her with a half smile on my face.

"I rove you, Taiwan-Chan," I whispered in my ear and see her forehead. Taiwan smiled and closed her eyes. "I've been waiting for you to say that," Taiwan said and closed her eyes, falling asleep.

I looked at the sunrise that painted the sky orange. "I'm from where the sun rises," I said as if I'm talking to China himself. Like I could almost here his voice yelling, "Stop being mean, aru!" But he's gone. But somewhere safe.

"I'll protect your prized student. I promise," I said.

Hungary's POV

*a few hours later*

My eyes fluttered open as I blocked the sun with my eyes. I looked down at my position as my eyes widened. I quickly got up and made orders to the Asian countries. "Okay! First zhing's first ve-," I was cut off when Prussia had grabbed my hand and mumbled something in his sleep. "Stay...Frau...," Prussia said. My eyes widened.

I slightly yelped when he pulled me back on the ground and I landed on his chest. He pulled me into a tight bear hug. I was a few feet away from my frying pan, but it was out of my reach. My cheeks red as I saw a smirk appear on his sleeping face.

"Maybe...I should buy Hungary...zhis teddy bear..Kesesese...!" Prussia exclaimed in his sleep. My eyes widened as I slapped his face. He snapped out of his dreams and his face was struck in fear as he nervously laughed. "U-Uh...I vas asleep...," Prussia said and slowly released me from the bear hug.

I got up and got out my frying pan. "Get up or I'll smack you vith my skillet!" I yelled at him. Prussia quickly got up and smirked. "Your still vearing it, Hungary," Prussia said. I looked down as I was wearing his military blue jacket he gave me. My eyes widened as I quickly unbuttoned it with a red blush and chucked it at his face.

Japan and Taiwan soon got up as I pointed at the sky with my frying pan. "Okay! It's sunrise! Did zhe Axis tell you any information, Japan?" I asked and looked at him. He nodded and pulled out his katana and drew something on the ground. But even his drawings looked artistic at a time like this.

"Werr, they're pranning on taking over Hong Kong-San and Macau-San and possibry Taiwan-Chan since China-Kun know. Second they want Maraysia Indonesia of Phirippines' behalf. But they arso pran to get arr the Asian countries. Next they pran on taking over Rithuania, Porand, Estonia, Rativa, Berarus, and Ukraine since Russia-San is kidnapped. The third group of countries they pran wourd be Canada-San, Austria-San, Switzerrand-San and if they care, Riechtenstein-San to gather arr the Germans. Rast they wourd get Spain-San and Romano-San. The Roman brothers."

"Zhat's a lot of countries," Prussia said in shock. I nodded split the countries he drew into two circles. "Ve aren't splitting up so ve'll be in groups of two. Japan and Taivan vill be at Asia. Prussia and I vill be in Europe. You still have your communicators so ve'll be okay. If you see one of ze Axis. Do not kill them," I said and gave a signal and I ran the same direction as Prussia, towards the sun.

"Vell, I guess I go vith you again," Prussia said. I blushed and looked at the opposite direction. "B-Be quiet," I said. Prussia suddenly was carrying me bridal style and took away my frying pan. I couldn't hit him but he was running. "Idiot!" I yelled at him and crossed my arms as the red grew on my cheeks.

If anything, Prussia. You make my life harder. Then again, your not that bad...

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