halloween party // tyler joseph

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it was October 31st 6:30pm, the sun was almost all the way down. you laid out your costume which was Bender from The Breakfast Club and started to get ready.

your friends suggested you guys should go to a Halloween party one of your other friends was throwing. all you wanted to do was go trick or treating but your friends claimed they are "too old". after a little while of arguing over the phone with them you gave in and said yes. they said to meet them on Elm Street at 7:00pm which was a block from where you lived.
it was now 6:54pm and the sky was pitch black now. you stared in the mirror at yourself putting your red scarf around your neck.

"If I don't get candy tonight I'll die." you mumbled as you grabbed your almost empty backpack.

as you walked to the door you looked in the small pocket of your backpack for your phone to text your friends to let them know your on your way. of course your parents stopped you for a picture before you left because you looked "so cute". after that you told them you loved them and that you'll see them later. you shut the door and walked all the way to Elm Street.
while you were walking there you passed little kids dressed as ghosts and witches saying trick or treat at every house that had a lit porch light. you also saw the Elm Street sign about 50 feet away.

you check the time in your phone and thought, "it's only 6:50 I have time to hit one house, right?"

giving into temptation you opened the big part of your backpack which was empty and went up to the house with the most kids in front hoping they were giving the best candy.

after waiting a little while for the door to open you and all the children said trick or treat holding out your bags to be filled with candy.

when you got to the front door the lady passing out candy said, "aren't you a little too old to be trick or treating?", hovering the candy bar over your backpack.

you spoke up and said, "maybe."

she dropped the candy bar in your bag and you took off down the street again.
it was now 7:02pm and you were now at Elm street sitting under its street sign waiting for your friends to hurry up and get here. you texted your friend, B/F/N.

it read, "here at Elm. hurry up. I'm sitting under the sign for it. don't worry it's not a creepy dude sitting, there it's just me."

a minute later they responded with "here". you stood up and looked around trying to see if you can find them. as soon as you turned your head to look at the right something jumped behind the tree in front of you. you fell to the ground and then heard laughing. it was your friends.

"I can't believe you got scared y/n!!" said one of them.

you stood up and dusted yourself off, "you jumped out behind a tree, I was alone, it's dark, it's Halloween! how would I not be scared, you assbutts!?"

you all started walking down Elm to get to the party.

"and I think I smushed my candy bar from when I fell. if so you guys owe me a new one!", you yelled giving them dirty looks.
it was now 7:35pm and you had just arrived at the Halloween party your friend, F/N, was throwing.

you stepped in with your small group of friends. you left your friends and made your way to the back of the house since you didn't really like parties. you found yourself squished on a couch with two people beside making out.

out of the corner of your eye you could see a boy about your age staring at you. when your eyes met his he ran down the hall. wanting to get up, you decided to follow him.

you sprang up from your seat and walked into the hall. by a door the boy stood. he had his neck and hands painted black and a bright red beanie on. his eyes planted on the hardwood floor, you walked over to him.
when your feet were in front of his he looked up, his hazel eyes meeting yours.

"I-I love The Breakfast Club",was all that escaped his mouth. he was obviously referring to your costume.

"oh me too. what are you supposed to be?"

"Im my own insecurities. I'm Blurryface. well actually I'm Tyler. who are you?"

"I'm Y/N, but now that we know each other a bit, do you wanna leave? this party is lame and I want candy."

"yeah that sounds great but won't your friends be worried?"

"aw who cares! let's go!"

you grabbed his hand and ran to the front door. a lot of excuse mes and sorrys were said as you both bumped into the party goers. out the door you guys went and headed to the first house in sight.
after about an hour of giggles, small chats, and 10 pounds of candy being digested you both decided to hit one more house and then call it quits.

"I've had a lot of fun Tyler," you said walking down the street next to him.

"I did too Y/N. hey do you wanna go back to the party now?", Tyler replied.

"I'm down", you replied.

Tyler then grabbed your hand running, pulling you along the crowded sidewalks. Tyler sometimes looking down at his bag to make sure no candy fell out.
when you got to the porch of the house. Tyler turned around and gave you a piece of candy with his number on it.

"for you, my lady."

"you are the biggest nerd I've met," you said as you took the candy out of his hand.

"I know", he said as he slowly leaned into kiss you.

"just kiss me!", you chuckled and pulled him in for a kiss.

after, you grabbed his hand and started pulling him into the house.

"am I still a nerd?", he asked.

okay this is shit and this was also supposed to be uploaded on Halloween. I'm so sorry that I've been gone for so long. this will never happen again. I got caught up in school. a Christmas special with JISH will be next :)))

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