Chapter 8

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"Men and women have equal rewards for their deeds"
{Quran- 3:195}

In the eyes of Allah, we are all equal. No one is to look down on anyone. Whether someone is a doctor, or whether they are a farmer, looking up or down on people is how certain standards are set, yet shouldn't be set. We are all human beings and our jobs should not define who we are.

Rahmat's POV

I'm getting married. In a day, I'm going to be married.

Currently, Hadaf was signing me out of the hospital and I was nervous. Mostly because Aseef's family was at our house, waiting for me.

My stomach felt like it turned 360°.

Hadaf interrupted my thoughts by saying "hey are you OK?"

"I'm fine. Just a little shaky" I replied.

"Ok lets get you home"


On the car ride home, Hadaf went on about how Laila and Zaifa were screaming and crying for me when my name was mentioned.

What can I say though? Babies love me, and I love them!

That was one of the many reasons why I wanted to be home; to embrace my lovely nieces in my arms.

The car stopped, interrupting my thinking session, once again.

We were home.

I saw their car parked in the driveway. I'm so nervous. I've never been this nervous since I took the SATs.

Slowly, I followed Hadaf to the main door.

I could hear Zaifa and Laila yelling and crying.

I entered the house and they instantly stopped and ran to me. I smiled.

"Hi babies! I'm baaaaaaaaaccckkkkk" I yelled.

"OMG HIIIII" Ameera yelled entering and choking me in a hug.

"Bruh...chill, you saw me yesterday" I said.

"Well if you think I'm crazy, you should've seen Aseef" she smirked.

"Gee, nice way to welcome me home, sis" I mumbled.

Bhabi walked in, saw me, and ran for a hug.

"Awww you poor baby are you ok" she cooed.

"What the this some sort of a joke" I asked, confused.

"No" she said laughing.

"Its an inside joke by the way" Ameera added.

"I haven't been here for like 2 days and you guys already made up inside jokes. Wow" I said, not amused at all.

"Chillax sista, we gonna have plenty of inside jokes" Ameera laughed.

"OHHHH BABY YOU'RE HOMMMEEE! I COOKED BIRYANI!" my mom yelled, followed by Aunty who just said "AWWWW YOU'RE HOME! WE MISSED YOU!"

Both of them, each embraced me in a huge hug and smiled.

Before long, the men came along as well. Except for Aseef.

Where is Aseef?

I followed Ameera and Bhabi to the kitchen.

"Hey I'm a little thirsty can I have-" he began, but saw me and shut up.

"Oh...its you..." he said with an emotion I could not read.

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