Author's Note

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Assalam Alaikum to you amazing, beautiful, gorgeous, people! How are you? How was your day? Was it good?

I have some news, and I'm not sure how you'll feel about it.

Meant To Be is finally complete!

Yes it saddens me to say so, but at the same time, I feel sort peace? I'm not even sure. I'm just confused.

Maybe, just maybe, I might be having attachment issues with Aseef. But hey, don't we all have attachment issues with the male lead in books? I mean we all picture them to be a knight in shining armor.

Come on...


Admit it.


You're smiling!



Anyways, I'm glad to say this book is over, just because this book was a pain while writing. I had major writer's block. This took me a while to write and plan out the chapters, man. It was a real adventure and a pain.

But needless to say, adventures are a great way to learn new things.

A very special thanks to you! YES YOU! THE READER! Thanks for sticking by me, and bearing with the endless drama in this story. I couldn't be more thankful for all the reads and votes from all of you! Its such an honor. May Allah grant you all mercy, and listen to all your prayers. ILY! <3

So, maybe in the future, I'll start a spin off/sequel to the story. I don't know yet. I'm not quite sure, but maybe one day. I'm actually thinking about doing a spin-off with Aseef and Rahmat's daughter. I'm not sure...

I have another book, known as More Than A Cinderella, so if you like my writing (I kinda doubt it), you should check it out, maybe?

Once again, thank you all so much! I know, I'm really repetitive, however, this just really means the world to me.

Since its kinda late at night as we speak, I'm just going to cut the talk here. I'm really sleepy, and I don't usually know how to end these things.

I really hope you enjoyed the book and be sure to let me know your
opinion. I would be glad to hear it.

May Allah reward you all!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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