Chapter 21

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"The greatest jihad is to battle your own soul, to fight the evil within yourselves" -Muhammed (SAW)

May Allah guide us all, and forgive us, for we are our worst enemy. Ameen.

Rahmat's POV

"So when we get home...are you going to lead me in isha...or what?" I asked.

"Maybe, maybe not" he replied, looking at the road.

He was smirking.

We were in the car, returning from the funny night we had at my parents' home. When Hadaf found out that Aseef was looking to become a better Muslim, Hadaf taught him the Azan, and how to pray.

Turns out Aseef already knew how to read, and pronounce Arabic, since his parents forced him to learn as a kid. So that's a big help.

I thought about the great night we had, and I may have been getting a little hostile to pray with Aseef.

Speaking of Aseef, I looked over at him.

His hair was sticking out in all random places and his eyes were sparkling. He looked so breathtaking.
He looks so peaceful, just driving and thinking as his eyes were on the road.

"Are you done checking me out?"

"I was not checking you out" I said.

I looked away at the side window in attempt to hide my blush.

"You were honey, admit it, you think I'm attractive" he said.

"Shut up?" I mumbled.

"So you don't deny it?" he said.

"Leave me alone" I said.

"Don't worry, you're very very very adorable" he said.

I blushed again. I hate how he always has this effect on me. The weird touches that make me tingle, the way of words, the time to time cockiness, and oh Allah, his smirk is just so....

Ya Allah... I need to stop these haraam thoughts.

But these aren't haraam...cause I'm married to Aseef. I forgot that for a second.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard Aseef's laughter. I turned to look at him and he looked amused.

Then I realized we were home. Yay!

I got out of the car and we walked through the front door. As we walked in, I heard Aseef say "you know I wonder what goes on in that pretty little head of yours."

"Many...many...things" I said, with a small smile.

He smiled at me. And my heart stopped. He rendered me flustered, two separate times within 15 minutes.

"You gotta stop being so cute, its so unhealthy for me...I think I might just be developing an obsession" he said, with a wink.

Oh Allah, I'm done for.

I walked upstairs and Aseef followed.

"Are you going to follow me into the bathroom?" I asked.

"Well, I gotta do wudhu, don't I? Might as well do it with you" He said.

I smiled.

"Okay" I said softly.

We did out wudhu and then it was finally time to pray.

My heart was beating. I was beating. That doesn't make sense. I'm not making any sense.

" the azan" I said looking at Aseef.

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