Chapter 9

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"No Arab is superior over a non Arab, no white is superior over a black, nor a black over a white, and superiority is by righteousness and God-fearing alone"
-Muhammed (SAW)

Today, we see racism so frequently. Some people would've thought that racism would be put to an end, due to past events, such as the civil rights movements. That is not true. Racism is still a problem and its disheartening to see so many people judge each other by the color of their skin. The prophet himself (pbuh), said it. So why do we still deal with this?

Rahmat's POV

I woke up. At first, I was convinced it was a normal day; that I could sleep in and read a book. After all, I was almost done with college and graduation was in a couple of weeks. Which meant I didn't need to go back until then.

Hmm what should I read?

Perhaps Gone Girl?

Well, that was only until I realized that today was my wedding.

MY wedding.

Something I always dreamt of yet I thought I would never have. Something that I never knew I would be skeptical about.

I'm getting married.

To not just any person.

But to my childhood friend.


Interesting. Lovely. Simply amazing.

I'm getting to married to the one guy who strongly dislikes me. I mean, he wanted to marry Jennifer in the first place. His parents should've let him marry Jennifer. Like I'm not cut out for people like him.

Its just a match that's so imperfect.

And not the imperfect matches you'd find in crazy wattpad novels. This is a crazy match.

"RAHMAT! WAKE UPPPPP!" Bhabi ran in and jumped next to me.

"Leave me alone. Don't you have children to handle?"

"Nah. Hadafi is taking care of them" she said.


"That's what I call him"


"Says the person who keeps flirting with Aseef"

"I wasn't flirting. Do you not see a difference between flirting and arguing?"

She sighed and then said "okay, get up, its time to get you ready for the wedding."

I groaned.


"Oh lord Allah subahana wat'ala, save me from this absurdity" I muttered with a hint of sarcasm.

"Shouldn't you be happy like other girls are?"

"Well I'm not like other girls"

She dragged me out of bed and led me downstairs.

After I took a shower, I put on an abaya and a sparkly hijab. We were going to do the makeup and everything else at the hall.

The party hall was simply a small place compared to other party halls. It could probably fit nearly 70 people.

There would be no alcoholic drinks and no dancing, BUT there will be my favorite Islamic nasheeds playing in the background.

I had gotten in the car, as tired as ever. As you can see, I am not a morning person.

Never will I ever, be a morning person.

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