Chapter 14

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"Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it could bear"
{Quran- 2:286}

Any test or challenge you are given is given to you because you are strong enough to handle it. :)

Rahmat's POV

It's been a week since Aliza has passed away. Her funeral was held a couple of days ago, and it was held by my mother and father in law, since she had no family.

It's been kind of hard, because Aliza was an amazing person and I wanted to get to know her better. The fact that she passed away, before I had a chance to get to know her, makes me feel unsatisfied and angry.

All I have been doing these days, is mourning her death and praying that she goes to Jannah.

However I'm not the only one who is mourning.

Aseef has been locked in his room, and hasn't gotten out of bed unless he needed food, or to use the bathroom. I've decided to give him space, but I don't want him suffering alone.

Right now, I had just finished praying Isha and I was contemplating on whether I should go and get Aseef and drag him out of his bed. I might take him for a walk. The weather was beautiful tonight and the moon was out.

Finally I decided to go to his room and try to get him to come with me. Slowly, taking baby steps, I walked to his room with a sandwich and a glass of water.

The door was slightly open and I walked in quiet as ever. I looked around and his room was messy. It was disgusting. I'm used to my own messiness but not anyone else's.

I noticed one thing was out line. No Aseef. I looked over at the bathroom, and it was probably occupied by him.

While he was in the bathroom, I decided to tidy up his room. I set the sandwich and water on his nightstand and started to clean. When I was halfway done, I witnessed there was a sock under his bed. I bent down, and reached for the sock. After struggling to get it out, I get it out and sit on the floor, pushing my hair away from my face. I huffed.

I witnessed a tall figure hovering above, blocking the chandelier. I get up and I realize it's him. He was half naked, standing with towel around his waist. His hair was wet and combed.

"Okay stop checking me out and tell me what exactly you were doing under my bed" he demanded, and I could tell he was holding back a laugh.

I felt my face heat up and I started to stutter.

"I um...uhhh" I blurted.

He tilted my face up, and smiled.

"The effect I have on you is adorable"


No, no, stop, he's just pushing your buttons.

Ugh. Now I turned a deeper shade of red and he laughed. His laugh awakened butterflies in my stomach and my legs felt like they turned to complete jelly. Why the hell does he make me feel this way?

At that moment, I realized that he seemed okay. By the look in his eyes, he seemed a little more content after seeing me.

"Is that sandwich for me?" he asked.

"Yes" I breathed.

He chuckled.

"I know i'm breathtaking, you don't need to make it obvious" he said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes, but really, I was relieved.

"So seriously, what are you here for?"

"To check up on you" I replied.

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