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Lapis POV
     "Hey Sapphire" I say to my boss as I walk into the work room. "Hi Lapis" she responds in her sweet and quiet voice. My boss is very calm and nice. If you ever need to come in late or miss a day she doesn't freak out and she handles everything. I have only seen her mad once. There was this guy who was very rudely hitting on an employee. She didn't raise her voice but she didn't have to. It was calm but it sounded like daggers being shot out of her mouth and into his chest. It was terrifying. It's 9:30 when I walk out to my post on the beach. I have a life guard tower so I can see everything. I make the small climb to the seat on top and look out at the ocean. Its so beautiful and calm. I think to myself. I wish peri liked the water as much as me. We would have so many romantic dates on the beach. I laugh at this. Peridot isn't a very romantic person. Don't get me wrong, she can be and she has been before. But I know that she is uncomfortable when she is romantic. She would rather play some video games and eat junk food and watch movies together. I love all of that but a date every now and then wouldn't hurt. I look to my left and see a couple of kids sitting on the sand building castles. It's mid July so they are on break. I smile at them and they see me so they wave. I wave back and look back out at the water. My job is normally laid back so I bring a book to pass the time. It's called "Wereworld." It's about werewolves and stuff. I read about 2 chapters and glance at my watch. It's 10:30. I look out at the water to make sure everything is ok. I then go back to my book. I look up again and check the time. 12:00....HOLY SHIT ITS 12:00. Damn that went fast. I go to climb down and eat lunch when I get back its 12:45. I grab my phone and scroll through all my social medias. 1:30. Yep just another average day at work. Ssssooooo boring. I guess that's good though. That means everyone is safe. I glance up again. I see something out in the water. I squint my eyes. It's a dark spot in the water. Just a murky spot in the water, don't be paranoid you weirdo....wait did it just sand doesn't move....wait that totally just it didn't nothing ever happe-- just as I think that it takes off and attacks the poor boy swimming a few feet away. "HOLY SHIT!!!!"I yell. I grab my megaphone and yell for everyone to evacuate the water. I jump from my post and grab my float for the boy. I rush into the water, using my natural ability of swimming so well to the max. I'm a very fast swimmer. When I get there I pull my knife and dive under. It's not very deep. About six feet. I stab the what I can now tell is a 5 foot shark in the eye. It swims away. I put the boy on the float and swim as fast as I can to land. When I get there I turn and look at the boy. My eyes grow big and I let out a short scream/yelp. His arm is torn off and he is losing so much blood. He is breathing heavily and staring at me then his arm then at me again. He screams. I hold him down and tell him not to move to much. He then passes out. He stops breathing. He stopped breathing shit shit no you aren't dying. I start performing CPR on him. I try for a few minutes. "YOU CANT DIE NNOO NO NO YOU CANT!!!!" I keep screaming as I keep trying. I'm crying so much at this point. Someone grabs my shoulder. I turn and it's my boss. Sapphire pulls me away and holds me in a tight hug. "He's gone. You did your best." "NO!" I shakily say.

I stay in her embrace and glance to the side. I see a kid. I've seen that kid. Oh no. The boy is staring horrified at the dead boy's body. It's the boy that was building a sand castle. He just watched his buddy die. They look really similar. Oh God don't tell me...ITS HIS BROTHER! "I'm sorry..." I weakly say.

It's been about 40 minutes since the attack. I am sitting in my bosses office, curled up in a chair with a blanket. Tears are falling down my face but I calmed my breathing down. Sapphire told me to call peri. I want to so bad but she hates being interrupted and work. She also gets in trouble if she gets distracted. I can talk to her at lunch because that's her break. It's not lunch though. I want to talk to her. I want her to be here and hold me and softly speak to me like she does when I'm upset. I want her to try and make me feel better. No. You shouldn't. You don't need to pester her with this. It's your fault and I'm sure the parents of that boy agrees. Peridot would agree too. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by loud stomps on the ground. Someone running to the room? Just as I think that Peridot bursts through the door. "LAPIS" she says in a loud by concerned voice. Her face is screaming worry. My face looks so shocked. My eyes are wide and my mouth is open. "P-peri" I sigh with a sniffle. Tears start coming down more. She rushes to me and pulls me close to her, into a tight and loving hug. I'm still sitting so my face is in her chest. Her lips are pushed to the top of my head. I sit there for a few seconds still in awe, but then I snap out of it and begin to cry--no-- SOB- into her chest. Peridot says in a soft and comforting tone, "It's ok lapis, I'm here now..."

Authors note: SO HOW WAS THWT CHAPTER? Did it make up for waiting so long? Tell me your thoughts please.

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