Chapter 1

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"Mommy! Mommy!" Laura heard as she was awoken to the new day. "Hm?" She asked. "It's time to get up! I'm hungry!" He said to his mother who laid in bed at 9 a.m. "Alright. Go sit and watch tv while I get cleaned up and make us some breakfast." She said ruffling his dirty blonde locks. He smiled and walked out of the room. She sighed and got up stretching getting ready for another day. She hated to do this but she had to. She loves her son dearly but it was the only way she could afford to take care of him.

"Ness? I need you to babysit again." She said talking to her sister. "I understand. But you know I can always lend you so-" She cut her older sister off. "Thanks bug I can handle it. He is my son. And I'm doing just fine." She said. "Good. I'll be over in a few." She told her younger sister. She smiled and nodded even though her sister couldn't see her. "Mommy?! You coming?!" His voice came from down the hall. "Yeah. Just a minute!" She called. "I love that little guy. See you guys soon." Her sister then hung up.

"I want to just play and watch tv today. Together." He said as his mother laid down a plate in front of him. She kissed his cheek. "Baby. You know I'd rather do that than go to work. But mommy has to go to work in order to keep the things that we have." She said trying to get him to understand. "I know mama. But why don't you just take today?" He asked. "Jason. Mommy loves you. If she could change all of this, she would. But for now, this is what were dealing with okay buddy?" She asked. He sighed.

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