Chapter 13

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Luke stared at his friend angrily. "I don't get why your soo upset." Ross rolled his eyes. "I'm upset because since you been back and got your dick up that bitch's ass, you've been ignoring and disregarding all our fucking plans." He huffed. "Plans change." He said bluntly sitting at the table. He looked at him. "And I told you many times before, don't talk about her like that or else you'll be on the other end." He growled. "Oh yeah? Just like that you'll get rid of me for that bitch?!" He shouted at him. He got up and punched him in the face.

"I told you many times. Don't call her that." He threatened. Luke smirked and checked to see if he was bleeding. "Your actually buying it. Just a matter of time before she turns you in." He said. "She's not gonna do that. She's in this now. Now cool your nerves." He said sitting back down. "What do you mean?" He asked. "She witnessed a murder which she was an accessory to. Now why would you turn yourself in?" He asked him. "Guilty conscious?" He asked. "But we don't have one." He answered looking at him.

"But she does." Luke answered. "I chipped her. Anything I need to know,I'll have at my finger tips." He said. "Can I get you gentlemen anything?" A waiter asked. He waved her off. Luke shook his head. "Just a glass of water will be fine." He answered. She smiled and nodded. "Your sure about this?" He asked. Ross nodded and looked back at him. "I'm always sure. And right now I need to go do something. My gut tells me something is wrong." He said getting up. "What you mean?" He asked. "Nothing. Never mind." He said walking away. She came back and handed him the water. "I'll take it to go. Thank you." He said.

"Nice work. You are free to go." Her boss said. "Thank you. Are you sure you'll be okay?" She asked. Her boss nodded. "Alright. See you tomorrow." She nodded and walked out the diner. She looked at the time and quickly texted her sister. 'Jason in your possession?' She looked both ways before crossing the street. 'Yes. He misses you already. Come visit for the weekend.' She replied. 'Ross would know. Just tell Jason mommy can't make it. Tell him I am being held at work.' She texted her. 'Alright. Be safe.' Her sister replied. She took a deep breath and made her way towards ATM machine. She withdrew from her account and shoved the money in her bra.

She went home and packed up a few clothes and shoved it into a bag. She stuffed the money within the clothes. She knew she had to make this quick or she'd be in grave danger. The sooner she got this done, the better. All her mind said was to go in and get the hell out. She deleted her phone records and diabled it completely. She took the sim out the phone and she put it in her earrings. She heard a beeping sound and looked around for the source. She couldn't find it so she returned to get ready for her departure. "Where are you going?" Ross asked emerging from the door as she was just about ready to head out. She flinched and held the bag she packed tightly. "Going somewhere?" He asked once again. "No where. I was just getting a few things to wear." She said to prove she wasn't lying,she pulled out a shirt and put it back.

He eyed her for a moment before walking over to her and taking her arm. "Let's go. We have to go get Jason." He said. "No. Jason is not out for another two hours." She said." Yes he is now lets go!" He said pulling her out of the house with him. She sighed. 'It's all for Jason' She thought to herself. She shoved his arm away. "I can walk." She said. "Where is Jason?" He asked her. "At school. Now lets go. Like you keep saying lets go." She rushed him. He yanked the bag from her and then her next.

"Stay in the car." He instucted and got out of the car. She rolled her eyes and pulled out a disposable phone. He appeared before her. She hid it and he looked much angrier than before. "What is it now?" She asked. "Lets go." He said. "Why?"She asked. "We need to ditch this car. My bike is right there. Lets take it." He said. "Why? I never liked your bike. It's unsafe." She announced. "Like you have a choice." He scoffled and went over to the bike. "Out. Now!"He shouted. She rolled her eyes and started to get out the car.

He ran over and quickly covered her as the car blew up into flames. "Shit!" He yelled covering her ears and rolling over to take out any fire caught. "What the hell?!" She shouted nearly deaf. He mumbled under his breath. "I should've known." He said getting up. He helps up the shaken up girl up. She looks at him terrified. "Now you know exactly why you must cooporate. God!" He said taking her and her bag. He got on his motorcycle and looked at her. "Well?" He asked. She shakily got on the bike.

"You must be the one." Luke smirked approaching her. Ross pushed him. "Fuck off." He said. He chuckled. "Where the hell are we?" She asked pulling him to her. "Nowhere." He answered sitting next to her. "I want to leave." She said. "Lets go for a moment." He said taking her hand and dragging her into the other room. She shook her head. "Where the hell is my son?!" He asked her. "Let go of me." She said. "Where's Jason?" He asked. She laughed off the concussion occuring to her. "You'll never find him. He's safe." She chuckled falling on her knees. She held her head and looked into the ceiling trying to gain focus. "I'll find him. I promise." He said marching out.
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~Ash ♔ ♔ ♔

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