Chapter 4

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"Yay!" She called cheering him on. He looked back smiling. "Go Jason!" His aunt cheered him on. He chased the ball. It was their annual soccer game and this year, he was able to be on the field. He loved sports in general. He'd even triy to make his mom watch it with him sometimes but it's always something. Then there's his aunt Vanessa who would try her best to understand them and actually watch them with him. Which is weird when all his mom does is allow him to watch cartoons and drink juice boxes. There was nothing wrong with that.

"Wooohooooo!" They cheered the little children as they played soccer. It was coming down to the last 3 minutes of the game and still no one scored a point. That was until he took a break left then kept running and kicking the ball. It went right in and the crowd erupted in loud cheers. Especially all the parents with kids on the same team. The referee blew the whistle calling it end game. The littles kids ran towards each other hugging it out that they just won their first game. They then picked up Jason cheering him on.

"Mommy! I did it! We won!" He smiled. She smiled wiping her cheeks. "I know. I saw! I'm so proud of you!" She said hugging him tightly. "Mama too tight." He groaned. She chuckled and pulled back. "Touch down!" Nessa screamed behind them. He laughed. "Aunty....It's goal." He said. She smiled. "I know. I'm just messing with you sweetie." She said ruffling his hair. "No! I need to look good." He said. "Awe." They both said. "You look adorable." His mother gushed. "Can we just go home? I smell like sweat." He said rubbing his forehead. They chuckled. "Of course let's go. Then we can even go out to celebrate." She smiled.

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